Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Vine Logistics situation gets murkier - San Francisco Business Times:
“For us to disclose any information about the New Vine’s board would have to accept or rejectf an offer,” New Vine spokeswoman Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Business Times , adding that no furthed information about New Vine’s negotiations with two or three potential buyers is likely to be availablr June 4. Late Wednesday and very early Thursday morning, informed sourceas told the Business Timesthat appeared set to win the sweepstakes to buy the broken piecexs of New Vine, which startled the wine industry late last week by abruptlt suspending operations.
As of earl Thursday morning, an announcement of a deal with which owns the Wine Tasting Network Servicesshippinv company, appeared to be But that deal broke down sometime in the wee leaving New Vine’s future Wine Tasting Network, according to its LinkedIn profile, provide winery and wine club directy marketing services, as well as fulfillmenrt and e-commerce services to wineries and wine retailers. Officialsw at WTN did not immediately responed to requestsfor comment, but many in the industrgy see WTN as the most logicalp player to pick up some of New Vine’sx pieces.
New Vine, which two years ago seemefd poised to ship 20 percenyof California’s direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its stafft on Friday and brusquely told customers over the weekend that it was no longer receiving or processiny orders. The move left many Wine Countryy providers scrambling to gather informatiohn and to figure out how to get back inventoryh atNew Vine’s American Canyon warehouse so they could ship it to customerds another way. Published accountz said some ofthe company’s venture capital investor s effectively pulled the plug last week, by declinintg to invest additional capitall in New Vine.
“Some people changed their minds at thelast minute,” said Barbara a wine industry analyst who has servedf on New Vine’s advisory Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine founder and former CEO, and Chairma of the Board Homee Dunn said Tuesday that New Vine is working with customerse “to transfer all services to anotherr means of legal direct shipping, and in the meantime, is finalizinhg all work, including compiling of reports, reconcilingh inventory and invoices, and performing all of the necessaryg business operations for the month (sic) of May and Hoertkorn added, in response to reportsw that the company knew or must have known it was in financialo trouble, that officials “truly believed that they woulx have been funded and were not expecting to have to cease operations.
” The company had more than 200 customerw and roughly 110 employees as of last sources say. It now has a skeleton crew of abour 30 staffers at its Napa headquarters and Americajn Canyonshipping facility, including a handfuol of executives who are working to wind down New Vine was started in 2001 on the notionj that it could help expedite shipmente to consumers in various states with confusing and complicatecd legal restrictions on wine shipments, a lingerintg legacy of the Prohibition years in Financial backers include Menlo Park’s , Altox Ventures, and San Francisco’sx LLC, which reportedly pulled its people out of New Vine’s officesd late last Thursday.

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