Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Managing and lowering workers
“Customers are saying, ‘In addition to your price for your what is your experience ratingt onyour workers’ compensation insurance?’ There are those ‘You can’t work for us if your ratinb is too high,’ ” says Stevens, presidengt of in Schenectady. State official s say there’s plenty that businesses can do—whether they’re a large manufacturedr or a small advertising agency ornonprofitr entity—to manage and lower theier workers’ compensation costs. Many companies are looking into comp and other areas for savingz as they endurethe recession. “It’s the little things.
In many cases, employers overlook the obvioues because they see itevery day,” said Stevw Carbone, director of education and outreach at the state Workers’ Compensatiobn Board. “It’s a cost-of-doing-business issue. It’s the best way to protectr yourbottom line,” Carbone said. The “experience that Stevens mentioned measuresa company’s rate of workers’ comp claimd or on-site accidents. Over time, fewer accidents can help lowerra company’s rates. An accidentt is reflected in the ratintg forthree years, similar to the effect that a car wreck or other violations can have on a driver’zs auto insurance.
Stevens is now putting more focux on workplace safety and increasing his scrutiny of his comp costs, beyond what he was alreadh doing. He has no set budget for safety costeeach year, but he said he doesn’t hesitater to spend money on new boots or protective faceguards for his 45 workers, who cut, form and bend steep bars for a variety of large-scalew concrete-pouring jobs. “It’s a culture. You want to have it ingraine in everybody,” Stevens said. Workers’ compensation rates are annuallt determined by acomplex Generally, more employees means higher payrollo and higher workers’ compensation rates.
The risk of accidents at a and how serious theymay be, also factor in to the Premium rates have dropped since the statew Legislature enacted a package of reforms to workers’ compensatiob laws in 2007. In 2008, rates dropped 20.5 this year, they were scheduled to drop anothef5 percent. The state Workers’ Compensatiobn Board, a regulatory body, also assesses premiumzs on insurance carriers. Those carrers often pass the assessmentds onto employers. Neil Gilberg is the board’s advocate for The position, which the governor fills, is designed to be a liaisobn between businesses andthe board’s administration.
“I work with the with a hot dog stan d in the Bronx to the vice president ofGeneralo Motors,” Gilberg said. “I’m here to assist businesses inany way. It’sa free of charge,” he added. “If you don’t call and ask. Don’t stick your head in the Peter Hess, president of in has seen his rates drop for other reasons. First, he institutec a company drug testing policy. Hess also createde an incentive program: Workers who go an entire year without any accidents or violations of safet y policies receive the day after Thanksgivinb as a paidday off.

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