Sunday, November 28, 2010

If I were N.C.
How should we respond to such a profound andhistorix challenge? I believe there’s really only one answef — action. It’s clear that job one is to solves the budget crisis that confrontswour state. The budget for the upcominbg fiscal year, which startes July 1, is around $4.8 billion There is simply no way on Earth for us to make up such a huge gap with cuts Not only would such massive cuts devastate ourpublic schools, sociap safety net and public-safety they would make the recessionb more severe by robbing our economy of vital jobs and I will not allow us to retreat into such a self-destructivee shell.
We must keep moving Therefore, I hereby call on the Generaol Assembly to send me a balanced budget for the upcomingg fiscal year that includes a plan to fill the budgey holewith three, roughly equalo components. The first third will be made upof across-the-boar spending cuts. We can enacty such cuts with a minimum of service disruption if we focuds on modest and temporary pay cuts for current employeez rather than broad reductionsin services. Ideally, larger pay cuts of 5 percenty to 6 percent woulds be targeted at employees making morethan $75,000 per year. State employee making less would receive a pay cut of 3 percenyt to4 percent.
The second thirdc will be made up with federal assistancw from the American Recovert andReinvestment Act. We should do everythinyg within our power to maximize our abilityh to draw uponthese funds. The final third should be filled with a package of modesyt and progressivetax hikes. Thesr increases should include, at a minimum, the closure of several outdated business tax a broadening of thestate sales-tas base as recently proposed by the state Senate, and the additionn of two slightly higher income-tax bracketes for the wealthiest.
It’s a plan that calle upon all North Carolinianswto sacrifice, and it’s a balanced plan that allowse us to move ahead without, as I like to say, eating our seed Let us all remind ourselves of what it is that made Northg Carolina the best state in the union — our common commitment to a better future for everyone. When we stici together, we can’t be beat. Than you and good night.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The future of The Park in Charlotte - Dayton Business Journal:
The sale set for 10 a.m. at the Charlottse office of law firm is the third auctionn for the residential condo projectt in less thana year. The forecloseds property at the cornef of South Caldwell and Thirdc streets has been in and out of federal bankruptcy A signed sales agreement in late 2008 fell apar after investment partners bickered in open And construction work has been frozen for 18 The Park is still missing its exteriotr skin and has been exposed to weatherand vandals. “Inj terms of broken developments, there are many acrosas the country in asimilar state,” says Laxson Boyd, a principall at Wisconsin-based . “But this one has uniqur aspects.
It’s very visible.” Or, as Charlotte condo developerd David Furmanputs it: “It’sa a reminder every day of how bleak thingsw are.” Further delay on a sale will likely lead to more deterioratiohn of the property. “It isn’t an assert that can be held until the market improves,” Boyd says, adding the auction is “an effortf to accelerate the process.” Boyd is handling the sale of The Park for the lendere that foreclosed on the property — , a subsidiary of in Longtime local engineer Pete Verna lost the propertty after his development company defaulted on $28. 5 million owed on a $30.6o million construction loan.
BB Syndicatiomn bought the buildingfor $14.2 million at the property’s seconed foreclosure auction in December. It was the only Next month’s sale should be livelier. At least 15 suitors have signed up forthe “naked” auction. means there will be no minimumjopening bid, Boyd says. “All bids will be considered.” That beinh said, BB Syndication reserves the right to rejecy an offer that istoo low, he The lender would still consider a private he says. Offers have been made but at priceas below what BB Syndicatiomn believes the property is An open auction will let the markety speak onThe Park’z proper value, Boyd says.
“Myh personal experience in this situation is the marker keepsitself honest.” More than 60 inquiries have been made regarding the and 15 parties have pre-registered. On Wednesday, a potential biddetr was given a tour ofthe tower. Interest has been from small private investors to investment funds and nationa ldevelopment companies. Some hail from California, New York, Georgia and Chicago, but most — about 60% — are from the Not on the list: the city of Charlotte. This Mayor Pat McCrory suggested usingg The Park for affordable housing and askexd city staffers to lookinto it.
But city officialws said this weekthey won’t be making an The Park is about 55% to 80% constructed, accordingt to varying estimates. Summit Shores — the developmenr group that defaulted ona $19 milliobn deal from the tower’s firs foreclosure auction in August pegged completion costs at $12 It will likely take $12 millionn to $15 million to finishu The Park to Verna’s vision, accordinv to one Florida investment group that has previously considered buying the building.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alaska official: Miller election claims baseless - Washington Post

Fox News

Alaska official: Miller election claims baseless

Washington Post

AP ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Alaska's lieutenant governor on Tuesday discounted  »

Monday, November 22, 2010

Six Flags files Chapter 11 bankruptcy - Philadelphia Business Journal:
has initiated Chapter 11 bankruptcy Six Flagsannounced Saturday. Six (OTCBB: SIXF) board of directors on June 12 votecd to begin reorganization proceedingsin U.S. Bankruptcuy Court for the Districfof Delaware. The compan y listed assets of $3.03 billion and debts of $2.36t billion in its filing. New York-based Six Flagss is planning to reorganizethe company’s financiao structure, which management said is feeling the pressure of an inheritee $2.4 billion debt.
In a letter to employees, Six Flags CEO and presidenyt Mark Shapiro saidthe company’s debt is left over from previouss management and despite the companyg making $275 million last year, it has been difficul for Six Flags to improve its balance shee t when paying out $175 million in interest on Shapiro asserted. He added that more than $400 million in debt is due withij the next12 months, and the companuy is having to spend $100 million in park improvements in an atmosphere wherd refinancing is difficult.
Shapirpo assured employees no stafd reductions will arise out of the and employees will continue to be paid and receive Shapiro said the bankruptcyy plan has the supporr ofthe company’s lenders and the agent administering the company’ds $1.1 billion senior secured credit facility. Six Flagzs parks, including Six Flags Great America, will continuwe to operate as usual under reorganization. Six Flags sold several properties last year toraisr capital.
It still operates 20 amusement parks inNorth

Saturday, November 20, 2010

N.J. lawmakers introduce anti-bullying act - USA Today

CBS News

N.J. lawmakers introduce anti-bullying act

USA Today

The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act, introduced by Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Rep. Rush Holt, would require colleges and universities ...

Tyler Clementi Suicide Prompts Anti-Bullying Legislation from NJ Senator

CBS News

New Anti-Harassment Legislation Targeting Colleges Named In Honor of Tyler ...


Family of Rutgers suicide victim lends name to bill


Ms. Magazine -Washington Post -The Hudson Reporter


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Govt. will give appropriate response to SC's observation on 2G scam: Congress - Sify

Daily News & Analysis

Govt. will give appropriate response to SC's observation on 2G scam: Congress


New Delhi: Congress on Wednesday said the government will give an appropriate response to the Supreme Court's observation over the delay in Prime Minister ...

Court observations leave Congress red-faced

The Hindu

PM acted, secured Raja's resignation: Congress

Chandigarh Tribune

Solicitor-General to reply to SC on Thursday

Express Buzz

Daily News & Analysis -Indian Express -Deccan Herald


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Survey: getting laid off not all bad - Wichita Business Journal:
A survey of about 1,800 recently laid off workerx finds many are focusing on the positivs aspects of beingbetween jobs, with 22 percent sayinb they’ve been able to spend more time with friends and Other responses included fixintg up their homes, exercising volunteering and going back to school. Four percenf say they started their own business aftergetting fired. “The are reconnecting with friendsand family, gettinh involved in the community, taking classes and exploring new careert path options that may lead to a greatert return in the long run,” says CareerBuilder’sd Rosemary Haefner.
The bills don’t stop cominv when the paychecks do, and, to make ends 23 percent of those surveyedsay they’re collecting unemploymen or taking other financial aid. Another 16 percent say they’re relying on savings, 12 percent say their spousee or partner is paying all the billsa and 4 percentsay they’re living on credit.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Onyx sues Bayer for rights to Nexavar spinoff - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Fluoro-sorafenib — a compound with the same chemical structure as except that a single fluorine atom is substitutedr for a hydrogenatom — was discovered durinv joint research between Onyx (NASDAQ: and Bayer, the company said in the suit filer in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of The compound, Onyx claimed in the suit against and Bayer AG, is jointlyy owned under the Onyx-Bayer 1994 collaboration agreement. Discussionsw with Bayer about Onyx’s rights to fluoro-sorafenib were not Onyx said. Nexavar, also known as sells for about $5,000 in the Uniteds States.
It is approved against liver cancef and advanced kidney cancer but has been studieffor non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, breastf cancer and other cancers. Most Nexavar failed a late-stage trial to treag a form of melanoma. Nexavar registerecd net sales worldwideof $178 million in the first quarter, and Onyx recentlyt said net sales for the full year should be $850 milliojn to $875 million. The Onyx-Bayetr partnership has been one of thebiopharmaceutical industry’ss longest and most successful, and Onyx stressed in a press releases Sunday that it continues to work with Bayefr in the development and commercialization of Nexavar.
The companiez later this month will present data at the American Societyt for Clinical Oncology annual meetingin Orlando, from Nexavar studies in hepatocellular carcinoma, renalk cell carcinoma, thyroid cancer, lung cancer, acute myeloid leukemia and gastric cancer. Onyx and Bayeer split development costs worldwide except in Japan where Bayer is responsible for alldevelopmenyt costs, and Bayer books Nexavar revenue. Outside the United Statess and Japan, Bayer has exclusive marketintg rightsto Nexavar, which is a registered trademark of Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, and sharesw profits with Onyx 50-50.
“Against that background, we are disappointe that we could not resolve this matter and believwe this complaint is necessary to protectt our rights and the rights of our shareholderse under the collaboration Greg Giotta, vice president and chief legakl counsel of Onyx, said in a preparef statement. Leverkusen-based Bayer AG's U.S. headquarters are based in Robinson as well asBayer Corp.' MaterialSciences division.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gates Foundation gives $16M to community colleges - Dayton Business Journal:
million to 15 communityh colleges and five states in an efforyt to help struggling studentscompletes college. is among those, and will receivw $743,000 over three The Development Education Initiative will awarsd the fundingto Connecticut, Florida, Texas and Virginia, as well as communityt colleges in each state plus one more in North Carolina. For a complete list of recipients, . The funding, firstr announced in December oflast year, will be awardedx to and distributed by , a Nortu Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identify programs and policies that are already beingt tried andhad promise,” said Richard spokesman for MDC.
The initiative seeks to support programs that help studentsa enrolled in remedialprograms — so-called refresher courses for students who are not up to gradr level in a givehn subject. The goal is to improve classroom performance so students can go on to take advanced courses and eventuall graduate with a degree or A recent report cited by the Gates Foundation found that nearly 60 percent of students enrolling inthe nation’s community colleges must take remedial courses.
Such coursesx cost taxpayers $2 billion a according to the The grants are part of theGates Foundation’se work to help more studentes graduate from college or university programs, an importantf education milestone that the foundation says is essentia l to earning a living wage in today’s The grants will support various state and collegd programs, including efforts to collect data and better track the performance of remedial students. The Development Education Initiative is also being supportedwith $1.5 milliob from the of Indianapolis to pay for evaluationh and communications.
Sinclair will use the funds to "conduct a policg and practice review that will guide programse forremedial students. Expand its Student Succes s Plan initiative, which offers high school students individual learning plans, coaching, and case management as well as online math modulew with diagnostics," according to the

Friday, November 12, 2010

Whole Foods, distributor reach agreement - Charlotte Business Journal:
which has 19 stores in Northernh California, has reached an agreement with its curreny primary distributor to continue that relationship for the next three Whole FoodsMarket Distribution, a wholly owned subsidiarhy of Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods, and (NASDAQ: ) have renewed their previous distribution agreement, which is scheduled to expire The new agreement will begihn Jan. 1. Dayville, Conn.-based UNFI is the leadingg distributor of natural and organic foodx in theUnited States, and has been Wholw Foods' main U.S. distributor since 1996.
Though the companies say the new agreementy is consistent with the terms and conditions of thecurrentf contract, further details of the deal have not been "Whole Foods Market and UNFI have a long history of workint together to provide shoppers with the highest quality organic and natural foods, and we look forward to continuinyg our long and successful said Betsy Foster, vice presideny of purchasing and distribution for Whole Foodd Market. The largest natural and organic foods supermarkett inthe world, Whole Foods Market WFMI) was founded in Austijn in 1980. The company has more than 165 stores and employsw morethan 32,000 people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Managing and lowering workers
“Customers are saying, ‘In addition to your price for your what is your experience ratingt onyour workers’ compensation insurance?’ There are those ‘You can’t work for us if your ratinb is too high,’ ” says Stevens, presidengt of in Schenectady. State official s say there’s plenty that businesses can do—whether they’re a large manufacturedr or a small advertising agency ornonprofitr entity—to manage and lower theier workers’ compensation costs. Many companies are looking into comp and other areas for savingz as they endurethe recession. “It’s the little things.
In many cases, employers overlook the obvioues because they see itevery day,” said Stevw Carbone, director of education and outreach at the state Workers’ Compensatiobn Board. “It’s a cost-of-doing-business issue. It’s the best way to protectr yourbottom line,” Carbone said. The “experience that Stevens mentioned measuresa company’s rate of workers’ comp claimd or on-site accidents. Over time, fewer accidents can help lowerra company’s rates. An accidentt is reflected in the ratintg forthree years, similar to the effect that a car wreck or other violations can have on a driver’zs auto insurance.
Stevens is now putting more focux on workplace safety and increasing his scrutiny of his comp costs, beyond what he was alreadh doing. He has no set budget for safety costeeach year, but he said he doesn’t hesitater to spend money on new boots or protective faceguards for his 45 workers, who cut, form and bend steep bars for a variety of large-scalew concrete-pouring jobs. “It’s a culture. You want to have it ingraine in everybody,” Stevens said. Workers’ compensation rates are annuallt determined by acomplex Generally, more employees means higher payrollo and higher workers’ compensation rates.
The risk of accidents at a and how serious theymay be, also factor in to the Premium rates have dropped since the statew Legislature enacted a package of reforms to workers’ compensatiob laws in 2007. In 2008, rates dropped 20.5 this year, they were scheduled to drop anothef5 percent. The state Workers’ Compensatiobn Board, a regulatory body, also assesses premiumzs on insurance carriers. Those carrers often pass the assessmentds onto employers. Neil Gilberg is the board’s advocate for The position, which the governor fills, is designed to be a liaisobn between businesses andthe board’s administration.
“I work with the with a hot dog stan d in the Bronx to the vice president ofGeneralo Motors,” Gilberg said. “I’m here to assist businesses inany way. It’sa free of charge,” he added. “If you don’t call and ask. Don’t stick your head in the Peter Hess, president of in has seen his rates drop for other reasons. First, he institutec a company drug testing policy. Hess also createde an incentive program: Workers who go an entire year without any accidents or violations of safet y policies receive the day after Thanksgivinb as a paidday off.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Authasas® Launches Multi-factor Authentication for Novell® SecureLogin - Benzinga

Authasas® Launches Multi-factor Authentication for Novell® SecureLogin


The resulting integration provides both replacement of the Windows® logon password with a stronger, multi-factor authentication method, and it provides ...

and more »

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Take action, blame the economy - Kansas City Business Journal:
For example, a couple of surveys were done recently by some large humanresources firms. More than 1,00o companies were asked about payingthei employees. Forty percent of them plan to reducee amounts allottedto raises. Sixty-two percentf said bonuses will be smallerfthis year. Twenty-five percent are planning a hiringv freeze. Another 25 percent are planning onincreasingh employees’ contributions to health care. Pay raises are being cut. So will severance Why? It’s the economy! And everyone’s accepting these huge reductions. Evergy day, we’re expecting to hear about more companies reducinftheir expenses. Employees seem to be takin the cutsin stride.
They’re just happyh to have a job. Why? It’s the economy!! You know what? Recessions can be a pennu pincher’s dream. Now’s the best time to get rid of the That guy in shippingwho can’t seem to remembere how to load a skid properlty twice in a row? Gone. The accountinyg assistant who seems really busy but you can never really quite figure outwhat she’s doing all day? The sales guy who spende more time hitting on your receptionisrt than the actual phones? See ya. Running a business is tougjh when you have to be thebad guy. Many of us accep mediocrity becausewe don’t have the energyu left to fight or fire someone. But the best excuse ever.
The economy! It’s not just aboutf changing thedeadweight employees. You can call your key suppliers and beg for a cost You can call your phone companyu and beg for a little help with yourmonthlgy fees. Everything’s negotiable becauses everyone’s skittish. No one wants to lose the business over a few bucksza month. But a few bucksz saved a month from a bunch of differentf places adds up to more inthe Why? It’s the economy! Penny pinchers must get rid of underperformin people. Renegotiate contracts. Beg for price reductions. Lock in lower monthlhy payments. Plead poverty. Scream for assistance. Why?
It’s the economy Because in a few months the opportunity will havepassefd us. Things will turn around. Prices will Unemployment will fall. The sun will shine. And we won’g have the economy to blamre anymore. Rats.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

St. Francis sisters may file HMC plan - Business First of Buffalo:
The Hawaii Medical Centee had exclusive authority to file a reorganizatiob plan for the ailingformer St. Francis hospitals. The center submittef its plan onMarch 30. In denyiny the extension requeston Monday, U.S. Bankruptcty Court Judge Robert Faris said this will help bring the bankruptcy to asuccessfu conclusion. On June 22, Faris approved Hawaii Medicapl Center’s disclosure statement, which was viewexd as a key step towardf implementing the strugglinghospital system’s reorganizationm plan. Still, creditors will vote to approve orrejecty HMC’s plan sometime after a hearinfg scheduled for Aug. 3.
In a preparedd statement, HMC Chief Operations and Restructurin Officer Salim Hasham saidthe company’s plan builds on the progresx made in turning around the hospitals. “Whilw we believe that our plan offere the best option for Hawaii Medical Centet to thrive and continue to servethe community, we know that otherws have their own ideas for restructuring and we welcome their participatiojn in the process,” he Officials at Hawaii Medical Center, whichu bought the struggling formefr St. Francis hospitals in Ewa and Liliha more than two yeard agofor $68 million, filed for Chapted 11 bankruptcy last August. They have sincw said they paid too much and wanta do-ovet of the deal.
St. Francis Healthcarw System of Hawaii, the Roman Catholic religious order which providerd most of the financing in the January 2007 and other creditors have objectedto HMC’sw plan. In an objection it filer with the courtJuly 10, St. Franci officials called the planan “ill-conceived and gap-filled effort” and said HMC officialds “merely seek to prolong exclusivity to maintain their head starf and to disadvantage others who seek a say in this an inappropriate use of exclusivity as a meanas to pressure creditors and leverage partiee in interest.” St. Francis now says it will file its own reorganizatiob plan forthe hospitals.
“This opens the door for us to put together and submit our own plan which will be beneficia l for theother creditors, the communithy and our health-care system,” said CEO Sistee Agnelle Ching in a prepared statement to PBN. Hawaii Medical Center is a partnership between CHA an affiliate of Cardiovascular Hospitals of Americaq and Hawaii PhysicianGroup LLC, whicg is a group of more than 130-Hawaii base d physicians.
It is Hawaii’ws only for-profit hospital

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Target wins proxy fight with activist shareholder - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
In a preliminary tally of voting, more than 70 percen t of the shares that were cast were votes in favor ofthe company’s proposed slates of directors while also voting to keep the size of the boardf the same by the similatr voting margin. “Today’s outcome demonstrates the confidence Target shareholders have inour Board’s qualifications, diversity and experienc e to provide effective and independent oversight and direction to the company, contributing to the creatiomn of one of the most recognized brands in the United States," Target president and CEO Gregg Steinhafel said in a presse release. Target Corp.
(NYSE: TGT) urgee its shareholders to vote for a proposal to set the size of the boarxd at 12 and to vote forthe company’s nomineews — Mary Dillon, Richardd Kovacevich, George Tamke and Solomon Trujillo. Dillon is executive vice president and globalk chief marketing officerof McDonald’s Corp.; Kovacevicuh is chairman of Wells Fargo & Co.; Tamkes is a partner at private investment firm Clayton Dubiliefr & Rice Inc., and Trujillo is CEO of Telstra Hedge fund manager William Ackman is the founder and managin g principal of , New York Pershing Square owns 7.8 percent of Target’s commobn shares, according to the Target proxyh statement.
Pershing Square proposed alternativedirectofr nominees, but Target executives urged shareholderxs not to return any proxy card sent by Pershinvg Square. Ackman was trying to gain a seat for himselon Target’s board along with four former Winthrop Realty Trust CEO Michael Ashner, formet Starbucks CEO Jim Juniper Financial co-founder Richard Vague and corporate financer and governance expert Ronalfd Gilson. Ackman, calling his groulp The Nominees forShareholder Choice, urged Target shareholders to vote against the proposal to reduced the size of the Target His group said a vote againsr the proposal would help ensure that at leasgt one of the Nominees for Shareholder Choic is elected.
Commenting after the meeting, Ackman said he and Donalrd received more than 20 percent of theshareholder "That's a big number in light of what we were up Ackman said. Ackman said he had hoped for a morepositivew outcome, but he still believec that the final tally was a victory for shareholders. The shareholders meetinbg was held at a new Targety Store being completed at 1250 West Sunset Drive in Target executives said the site allowec the company to showcase its lates general merchandisestore design. The storre is scheduled to openin July.
Targe t executives said they have met since 2007 with Ackmamn to discuss hisideas and, said they were disappointex that Pershing Square has decided to pursue what Targe management called a costlt and disruptive proxy contest. The company, in followed Ackman’s earlier suggestion to sell Target’s credigt card receivables. The company completed a transactio in May withJPMorgahn Chase, in which Target sold slightl less than half its receivables for cash proceedsa of about $3.6 billion Ackman in May 2008 presentef the first in a seriea of proposals involving restructuring Target’s real estate aroundc the theme of a REIT.
Target’as board concluded that the REITproposal “was not in the best interesyt of our shareholders” because it wouldn’t create much Target executives said. On May 20, Target reportexd net earningsof $522 or 69 cents per share, for the firsr quarter ended May 2, 2009, compared with $602 milliohn , or 74 cents, a year earlier. Retailp sales increased 0.4 percent to $14.4 billiomn from $14.3 billion in 2008, due to new stors expansion that partially offset bya 3.7 percengt decline in comparable-store sales. Target Corp.
operates a credif card segmentand 1,698 Target stores in 49

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Genmar Holdings files for bankruptcy - Business First of Buffalo:
The petition to reorganize theboat builder’w debts was filed Monday afternoon in in The filing includes more than 20 of the company’s one of which is Murfreesboro-basex Genmar Tennessee LLC. The company has a boat manufacturinyg and repair facility at theMurfreesboro location. Genmadr Tennessee has from 200to 1,00o0 creditors and assets between $50,00o0 and $100,000. The Tennessee company’s filing lists abouft $750,000 in unsecured debts owed to its 20largesg creditors. The parent company lists its assets in the rageof $10 milliomn to $50 million and its liabilitiee between $100 million and $500 according to court documents.
Genmar only secured creditors areand , accordinf to a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Genmat said it has receivedc commitment fora debtor-in-possession financing proposal from both banks. In a Genmar’s largest shareholder, Chairmah and CEO Irwin Jacobs says sales ofthe company’a fishing boats, luxury yachts and other products started to decline in 2008, but worsenes in recent months. The company’s sales in fiscal which ends in June, are likely to be abouty $460 million, off by more than 50 percent from fiscal thecompany reports.
“If someone would have said to me as recentlg as even one month ago that Genmar would someday be filing forChaptetr 11, I would have said it was not even a remotee possibility,” Jacobs says. Genmar had been making some strategyt changes in recent months and recently announced pland to launch a lineof less-expensivr aluminum boats.

Monday, November 1, 2010

$10M boost expected from Hispanic Chamber convention in Denver - Denver Business Journal:
Leaders of Colorado’s Hispanic business community and local officials gathered at the Coloradop Convention Center Tuesday to formally announces theconvention — the third time the city has been host to the national Hispanic chamber. The gathering will be at the ColoradoConventioh Center, Sept. 16-19. Previous conventions were held in Denved in 1995and 1997. is a primse sponsor of the convention with a commitment of Jerry Natividad, co-chair of the event’s host committew and a board member of the said the convention will focus on four key sustainable growth and the greening of the U.S.
growth of Hispanic businesses, especially among Hispanic the federal economic stimulus program and refining economic survival and innovation skills amongHispanic “Hispanic business owners acroses the country are facing continuouss challenges on many fronts,” Natividad said. “They need all the help they can get, makin g key connections, gaining acceses to crucial information about acceswto capital, new industries and other trends that will help lead our country out of the current recession. This year’s national conventioj will provide suchan opportunity.
” Denver Mayorr John Hickenlooper said the conventiohn is a chance to highlighyt Denver’s successes before one of the fastest-growing businese sectors in the U.S. “Thw timing couldn’t be more perfect,” Hickenloope said, noting the city’e planned Biennial of the Americase celebrationnext summer, which includes a two-month-long curated event of contemporar art and ideas from throughout the Hickenlooper is meeting with diplomats from South and Central America this week in Washington this week to promotes the 2010 event. There are an estimated 15,00 0 Hispanic-owned businesses in Denver, Hickenlooper said.