Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gold prices chaotic, State Bank's Governor denies short gold supply - VietNamNet Bridge

VietNamNet Bridge

Gold prices chaotic, State Bank's Governor denies short gold supply

VietNamNet Bridge

Meanwhile, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Van Giau believes that it is not the right time to  »

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

St. Louis Business Journal:
But with every new product introduction, glitchexs are commonplace, and business ownerx have to be aware of some ofthe technology'es shortcomings. "VoIP does not have the universal quality of a traditionaklphone line," said Tim chief executive of the Americanh TeleServices Association. "And you are moving to a heavily softwarrbased solution, which meands more programmers are involved." The Indianapolis organization represents the $500 billion call centert industry and advocates members' interests on Capitol Hill and in statehouses providing professional education opportunities and actingt as the sector's information clearinghouse.
Raymond Shaw, presidentt of the Association of TeleServices said companies need to be cognizant ofbandwidthu availability. If there isn't a dedicated connection between a businesx and itsVoIP provider, he said transmissiomn delays can occur, causintg bad reception or jumbled communication. VoIP serviceds convert voice into a digital signal that travels overthe Internet. If a user is calliny a regularphone number, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches its destination. VoIP can allosw a user to make a call directly from a a specialVoIP phone, or a traditionalo phone connected to a special adapter.
In addition, wirelesws "hot spots" in locations such as airports, park s and cafes allow users to connect to the Internet and may enable VoIPservicexs wirelessly. Despite some technical glitches, VoIP subscriptions have skyrocketerd in thelast year. According to the Washington, D.C. research firm Internet-based telephone services grew 21 percent in the second quarterto 6.9 million users. Overall, the VoIP marketr saw a 153 percent increase in subscriptions compared to while industry revenues for the second quarter increased 173 percengto $607 million compared to the $221 million in sales a year ago.
"VoIPl is rapidly spreading among multiple enterprise solutions whicnh have multiple locations around the country andthe world, " said Matthew D'Uva, president of the Societyt of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business. The Va.-based organization is dedicated to improving and advancing the marketplace for consumersw within the corporate SOCAP members include consumedr affairs and customer care professionals from more than 1500 differenytcompanies -- many of which are listed in Fortune/Forbes 1000.
"Our members are looking for ways to improve and enhance communication with theid customers fromall angles, and VoIP is one channelo to do that," D'Uva While installation and service fees vary by statee and provider, VoIP servicesx typically costs less than traditional phone services. VoIP systemx can cost anywhere from no charge upto $200 per montg but will generally cost $10 to $50 per month dependin g on the type of services VoIP can be free when the service routez a from PC to PC, but the price increases based on the number of local and long distancew calls made and the features a compang implements.
Today, most business VoIP services can provide a firm with a variety of rangingfrom $20 to $200. Business VoIP provider commonly includsea T-1 Internet connection and a guarantee for qualitu of service which increases the costs. According to the latest researchon , Virginia-based SunRockey Inc. was given the highest rating of six To getthe $16.58 monthlgy rate for unlimited minutes, businesses must prepayt for the entire year, which is but can cancel any time and get a refunsd for unused months. Since SunRocket includess all taxesand surcharges, a firm makeds the $199 payment up front and then is able to make unlimite d local and long distance calls for the next 12 months.
Most othere companies charge taxes and surcharges on top of theirlistex rates. SunRocket also throws in $3 free international calling per a free extra phone numbef and two free directory assistance calls per montuh with theirunlimited plans. The company also is waiving their $39.9 equipment fee when a firm sign s up forthe $199 annual plan. By ITP, Verizon, Lingo, ViaTalk and Packeti8 receivedthree stars, whicuh were the lowest rankings. Vonage, and VoIP Your Life fell in the middl e ofthe pack. Cox, Comcast, Cablevision, and Time Warner are also rolling out VoIP offerings Perhapa the greatest benefit of VoIP systems is the flexibilit of the Internet versus regularphone lines.
"Thia flexibility with VoIP fosters greaterorganizationapl efficiency, higher productivity gains and increased revenue potential," D'Uva said, but cautioned that VoIP is a relatively new and expandingf technology, "so issues of quality, security and even networl power still need be addressed as VOIP continues to evolve."" Computers, Technology and Telecommunications

Monday, September 27, 2010

Economy Watch: FNF Construction gets highway stimulus contract - San Antonio Business Journal:
“It is a rehabilitation projectf to create asafer roadway,” said Deena Billings, busines s development officer for Tempe-based FNF Construction, which is celebrating 25 years in business. Some areas of U.S. 491 have deterioratedd creating a significant safety issud for those whouse it, she The project is a good fit for the which also has an office in according to Billings. “Paving projects are kind of our In addition to makinv the roadway saferfor travelers, the $8.9 million projecy gives FNF Construction’s staff more opportunituy for work. “We will be able to keep existingf employees busy and perhaps hire new she said.
The biddingb process for a stimulus contract is very similafr to that on any job both for the contractoe and the state department oftransportation involved. The New Mexicok Department of Transportation advertised the project in typical fashion with the lowest bidder winningthe contract, said Megabn Arrendondo, spokeswoman for the New Mexico Departmeny of Transportation. The federal governmentf does look at the projectsin depth, Arrendondo added. Construction on the 14-mile which runs on the southern portion of the broke groundMay 20.
FNF Constructio is hopeful that its portion of the upgrade is complete by the endof “We are excited to keep on goingh and be part of the process,” Billingsd said of future

Saturday, September 25, 2010

GMR Marketing wins national award - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The firm was recognized as part of the sportsw businessawards program, presented by Streetf & Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal and SportsBusiness Daily. The Sportzs Business Awards recognize excellence and outstanding achievement in the sportw industryfor 2008. The award was presented Thursdagy at the New York Marriott Marquisin Manhattan. GMR Marketing was chosehn from four nominees for Sports Event Marketing Firm of the Year includinhgMomentum Worldwide, SportsMark and Vivif Marketing.
In handing out the award, the judgexs cited GMR Marketingfor “staging a memorable event for Amp Energy Drin at the Super Bowl, as well as creatingv and operating events for the SPEEsD Channel, Green Bay Packers and MLS; GMR Marketing excelled with its savvy understanding of sports business.” Boasting a wide scop e of partners, including long-time clienta Gatorade, Gillette and MLB, GMR Marketinh added Comcast, the NBA and the Packers. The agency producedx more than 7,500 events last year on behalf of more than 25 ranging from the ING New YorkCity Marathon, to the Bank of Americ “America’s Cheer” Olympic program.
baseball club also was a finalistg for professional sports organization ofthe year, an awarr won by the Boston Celtics. Otherd finalists were the Chicag Blackhawks, Cleveland Cavaliers and TampaBay Rays. SportsBusiness Journal and SportsBusiness Dailt are sister publications to The Business Journal ServingGreater

Friday, September 24, 2010

HVCC moves 2 programs to Rensselaer Tech Park - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Troy college recently signeda 10-year leas with 400 Jordan Road LLC. The school will pay approximately $605,000 a year to lease 36,557 square feet of Hudson Valley’s popular paramedic program will occupu about half of thenew space. The school also will move its respiratorg care program and a that trainz employees forarea businesses, accordingg to Stephen Cowan, director of the college’w physical plant. The remainder of the leased space willhouse ’s Next Step office, a communicationx worker training program coordinated by the college.
Thosr departments all currently are located inHudsonh Valley’s 90,000-square-foot Hy Rosenblum Administration Center, a 1940es era building that Cowan said needs major “It’s a tired old building. We are looking at total renovationwsor demolition,” he said. But the college decided to leasr space from the through 400 Jordan Road LLC for 10 yearsa while the college decides whether it should overhaulo or tear down the Hy Rosenblum The college continuesto grow, but becauses of the economy it does not have the money to renovatw the current building right now, Cowan said.
Hudson Valley is planning to hire a consulting firm this summerf to help officials decide the most cost effectivwe way to deal with the Rosenblum helped Hudson Valley negotiated the The college plans to have the four programs and departmentsx moved into the new space in Nortgh Greenbush before the star t of classeson Aug. 31. The buildinb previously had been used as office spac e forVerizon workers, Cowan said.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CSU researchers get $2.7M to study cells and share their work with kids - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million grant by the to help train graduatw studentsin cell-research techniques and to share their scientificv knowledge with local school teachers, CSU said The graduate students at the Fort Collins campus “will test new theories about how cells behave using advancex engineering methods in microelectronics and electrochemistry,” CSU said in a statement. That NSF-fundesd work will be led by CSU engineerin g professorTom Chen, the grant’s principal investigator, joinedd by Stuart Tobet, a biomedical sciences professor in the Collegde of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical and Michael De Miranda, an engineering educatioj professor in the College of Applied Human De Miranda will also work with the graduate studentz on sharing their researchj with K-12 teachers in the Thompson Valley, Greeley and Weld RE-9 school districts in northeastern A goal of the grantr is to help build enthusiasm among primary and secondary studentw for careers in science, technology, engineerinyg and mathematics — the “STEM” disciplines” — at a time when fewere young people are entering into such CSU officials said.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Marketing, ad firms share space, skills - Dayton Business Journal:
The owners of the firms — , and LLC represent decades of advertisinyg experience and operate out of the former barn at S66 W1452 3Janesville Road, Muskego. While all threse serve their own cadreof clients, they also collaborate with each othet using different skills. Dan Buttery, 39, owner and president of HVT Marketingf Corp., moved into the space in September but has spent most of his time atthe , wherre he helped promote both the Body Worldss exhibit from February to June 2008 and the Titanic exhibit, which opened in fall 2008 and closer at the end of May. HVT, whicy Buttery started in 2004, began after he was forced into retiremeng fromthe U.S.
Army Reserve after suffering a back injury whil e on dutyin Iraq. Buttery said he has workes with more than 350 clients and experiencefd an average of 20 perceny annual growth in salessince 2004, with 2009 sales approaching $100,000. Mary Bridges, director of marketing and communications at the Milwaukee Public said Buttery’s work helped the museum surpass attendanced goals for both exhibits. “I attribute (record in part to (Buttery’s) efforts from planning and assistinghthe media,” she said. “He is very organized and very professional.” Movin to the renovated where he collaborates with theothedr firms, has made Buttery’s firm more competitive.
“It addressews flexibility in pricing where the client is still getting a premium service from all of us who are seniorlevel professionals, but you only pay for it when you need he said. Scott 42, president of Arsenap Advertising Inc., said he and partner Stever Clementi, 37, moved into the space in September 2008 aftef leaving corporate advertising jobs to strike out ontheit own. “We saw an opportunit y to create a business that couls be a little bit more nimble and providw clients with better said Lynch, former vice president and creativs director at , formerly known as Lynch, alont with Clementi, former senior art directodr at Nonbox, started their companty in June 2008 and since that time have secure 14 clients, including the , Milwaukee, and , Brookfield.
First year annuao capitalized billings are estimated to top The 2,400-square-foot barn was purchased in 2006 by Scotrt Conklin, 45, and Jay 46, partners at Hac Job Image Crafting LLC, which they foundec in 2004. Hac Job, which providesa imaging utilizing Photoshop and 3D takes upabout two-thirds of the first floo of the barn, and includes work stations that are fitted onto wheelws which can be easily movedf to increase studio space when needed. With 50 clienta nationwide and annual sales approaching Conklin and Harris have used the talentw of Lynch as wellas “They help us and we help them. It’s been Conklin said.
All three firms have been tappedc to work on a project for MRZ Promotions in Port Patrick Baudhuin, vice president of marketing and promotion for MRZ, said HVT has provided pricinhg and market research for a new digitalp billboard that will be installedf inside taxi cabs. Baudhui n said once the productis launched, Arsenal and possibl y Hac Job would then provide the creative work for the

Sunday, September 19, 2010

SBA loan program opened up to refinancing - Dayton Business Journal:
Previously, small business owners could only use that program to make new purchasesw of real estate or some capital equipment such as heavt equipmentor machinery. The changes come as part of thefederalk government’s $787 billion stimulus formally known as the American Recoveryg and Reinvestment Act of 2009. “This is one more pieced of the Recovery Act that is going to have a direc t impact and put more money in the handxs of small business owners just when they needit most,” SBA Administratort Karen Mills said in a release.
The changer to the 504 loan progran follows an expansion ofthe SBA’s 7(a) loan program, whicnh provides loan guarantees for small businesx operating loans. The SBA now guarantees 90 percenfof 7(a) loans and also increased borrowingv limits. The agency also recently launched a new bridge loan programj calledARC loans. For more information, visit,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

LoKal Appetizer Treat - MyFox Chicago

MyFox Chicago

LoKal Appetizer Treat

MyFox Chicago

LOKaL, located in Wicker Park, is modern neighborhood cafe featuring delicious pan-European cuisine. Good Day Chicago viewers stop in Today for Free ...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

CFOs cut vacation days - Charlotte Business Journal:
“Many CFOs understandably feel they must remaib diligent helping steer their firms through thedownturn and, just as prepare the business for an ultimate says Paul McDonald, executive director of Robert Half Management Resources. The California-based firm surveyedx 1,400 CFO financial officers about their vacation plans for thecomingh year. Thirty-one percent percent said the economy was causing them to postpones or reduce theirvacatiojn time. While such intentions may be in the best interestt ofthe company, takinbg breaks from work can help bring “a fresuh approach to business projects and challenges,” McDonalcd says.
He suggests developing a plan for grantiny vacation requests and handling responsibilities while a personis out. Vacationxs can serve as an opportunityfor high-potentialk employees who fill in to prove themselves worthy of future Still, McDonald says managers of small organizations need to be carefulp not to overload the remaining workers when someone is out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WESCO outlines succession plan - Washington Business Journal:
Engel, who joined the construction materials and procurement servicez providerin 2004, is currently senior vice president and COO, as well as a member of WESCO’s board. Current CEO Roy Haley, who has served in that role sincr 1994, will serve as executive chairmanb until his term on the board expirews inMay 2011. “For the past several the board of directorxs and I have placed a high priority ontalent management,” Halety said in a statement.
“Today’s announcement representss a major organizational milestone forthe company, and I am very pleasefd that we are immediately able to begij the process of transitioning to new rolea and responsibilities with an experiencefd and seasoned management team.” CFO Stephen Van Oss has been named COO, effectivee Sept. 1 and will continue to servre as seniorvice president. He will be replaced by Richard P. who joins WESCO as vice president and CFOJune 15. which employs about 7,200, is based at Station Squares on Pittsburgh’s South The company’s 2008 sales were about $6.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Senate to hold first session in 2 weeks; Gov. withdraws lawsuit threat - The Business Review (Albany):
Democrats and a Republican-led voting bloc agreed last night to attene an emergency sessionthat Gov. David Paterson has set for 3 p.m. On Wednesday, Paterson threatened the sue the senatorss if they failed to show up to emergency sessiones and voteon legislation. Just before 11 last Paterson withdrew his threat of a By law, governors can compel legislators to meet in a special session and dictate which bills will be included in the session’es agenda. Governors cannot, however, force legislatord to take votes onthose bills. “By complying with theit constitutionallymandated obligations, there will be no need to seek a coury order,” Paterson said in a late-night statement.
“However, I will continud to use every power at my disposal to ensure that the Senate gets back tothe people’s Two similar sessions earlier this week failefd to produce any votes that are considered legal and able to be signefd into law. The two sidee still do not agree on who isin control, and it’e unclear who will preside over today’s • confirming Dennis Mullen as president and CEO of , the state’ds main economic agency Paterson said he is also investigating ways to dock salart and per diem payments from senatord and their staff.
Senators have conducted no official businesse since Republicans led a surprise uprising on June 8 to try to removre Democratsfrom power. “This is a said Paterson, visibly angry. “Senators, get to work. You’ree not going home. You’rs not getting paid. And you’re not going to disrespect the people of New Yorkany longer.” There are two votinv blocs in the Senate, each with 31 one with 31 Democrats, and one with all 30 Republicans and Sen. Pedr Espada Jr. (D-Bronx). Both sides continue to fight about who isin control, and whethetr the vote on June 8 to oust Sen.
Malcolmn Smith (D-Queens) as majority leader was There’s no way to break the 31-31 vote, becauswe the state has had no lieutenant governorsince Gov. Davif Paterson vacated that post to take over forformer Gov. Elio t Spitzer. Earlier on Wednesday, both sides said they cannoy pass any legislation withoutthe Assembly, which has adjournede for summer vacation. Both sides now say they will attensd today’s special session, despite concerns abouty whether itis constitutional.
Any bills that legitimately passesw the Senate in an emergency session wouls have to be voted on by the because bills receive new identification numbers during aspecial “Now they’re asking me to bring the Assembly back. For what?” Paterson asked, smackintg his podium. “Are we kidding? If the Assembly came back, they’d be sitting on their hands, waitinb for senators.” The Republican-lexd voting bloc did not show upfor Wednesday’zs emergency session, saying they did not want to repeat the that occurred in the June 23 speciao session.
Democrats locked themselves in the Senates chambers ahead of the June 23 sessiobn to preventthe Republican-led voting bloc from taking control of the gavel. When Republican arrived to Tuesday’s session, they conducted theird own session using aseconed gavel. The special session began minutesd later with Democrats and Republicands shouting over each holding two sessionsat “What we’re simply doing here is compelling them to get to Paterson said of his plans to sue “The people have had I know I have.” At stake are routine extensions of salesx tax rates in 36 counties acrossx the state.
Also, the state’s populae Power for Jobs program is schedule to expireJune 30, leaving 570 companies without low-cosg electricity that helps keep them competitivw with peers in other

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Toll Brothers holds grand opening - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The house is located in what’s beinhg called Estates at Halfmoon. Toll Brothers is offering new homebuyere the opportunity to buy options and designer upgradew athalf off. When finished,the communit y will consist of87 single-family homes within the Town of Halfmoonh and Shenendehowa Central School District. Homes are pricedc in the $400,000s. , based in Pa., is the nation’s leading builder of luxury TollBrothers (NYSE: TOL) has been hit hard by the downturn. The companty posted its first loss infiscal $297.8 million, after 22 consecutive profitable years.
The slower pace of sales has forcedr Toll Brothers to cut the numbee ofdevelopments it’s The company expects to end the 2009 fiscal year with about 255 down 22 percent from a peak of 325 developmentz in the second quarter of 2007. Toll Brotheres opened its first model homein mid-January, giving prospective buyerxs a taste for what the builder does with 3,4090 square feet of living The model features a 20-foot vaulted ceilin g above the family room, gourmet kitchenn with Energy Star-rated appliances, huge master bedroom whirlpool bath, walk-out basement, hardwood floors, crownj molding, chair rails, four bedrooms and a three-car garage.
A 15-minuter drive from Northway Exit 8A, the plannedc development is the sortof luxury-meets-conveniencwe community that was in high demand during the real estate boom yearx of the early 2000s. There is stilol demand today, but it has lessened compares to 2006, the peak year for local home sales. That 511 homes costing more than $450,00o sold in the region, compared to 390 homes last a 23percent decline, according to the Greatefr Capital Association of Realtors. Toll Brothers officialds know they’re trying to sell a new brandd and product in the region at a time when peopld are concerned about their jobs and theoveralp economy.
Many buyers are also reluctant to sell theit existing homes today becausethey don’t believwe they will get as much as the propertty is worth. Still, the modell home in Halfmoon has drawnn an average of 20 visitors per week since it The company expects it will take four yearx to sell and builfd all ofthe units. Toll Brothers has anotherr local housing community inthe works. The compant has agreed to buy the development right s toa 68-lot subdivision off Vly Road in Colonie.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Rebates should boost Energy Star sales - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“This rebate program will help Floridianxs buy appliances atdiscount rates, lowe r utility costs and benefi t Florida businesses by stimulating sales of energy-efficient Gov. Charlie Crist said in a pressa releaseMay 18. Although the bill was signed last the projected time for the programm to be administered is probably sometime this Consumers will not be eligible for the rebates until then becaused some of the detailss of the program stillp need to beworkeds out, said Jeremy Susac, the executive directo r of Crist’s Energy Office.
The specific amounts for the rebates must be approvex by the legislativebudget committee, and Crist’s officwe is still waiting for guidancwe from the federal government on how exactly the program will Susac said. The FECC is expectint Florida toreceive $18 million in federal stimulus funds to provide the rebate program. In addition, the Floridaz legislature is giving $150,000 to the FECC to help them put the plan into All of this should help Floridians save 20 percent on the costof energy-efficienf appliances. “This is what we are projecting,” Susac said. “Wew are looking at 20 percent all acroszthe board.
” With the 20 percent rebate, consumere could save $290 on refrigerators, $200 on washing freezers and dishwashers, $65 on room air conditioneras and $40 on dehumidifiers. Only laundry and kitche n home appliances with the Energy Star label will be eligible forthe discount. All Energyh Star appliances meet strict energyh efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agencyyand U.S.
Department of Energy, but certain items like flat screenb televisions arenot included, Susac Even though they use the most energy out of all the home certain kitchen items like microwaves, oven s and stove tops are also not includedd because they have yet to be regulateds by Energy Star in the United said Michael Setzer, the ownedr of Setzer’s appliance dealer in Jacksonville. Energy Star appliancea do cost an averageof $50 to $100 more than the standar d versions because of the advanced technologies, he said, but the rebate should lighten the costs, making it almosy cheaper to buy the Energt Star product.
“You don’t have to spenrd $1,000 to have an Energy Star,” Setzer said. “Energy Star has cheaper model now. I have a $300 dishwashetr and a $800 refrigerator in my store that are allEnergyu Star.” In addition, the investment will cause consumers’ utility bills to go down in dollar amount. Customerxs should recover their costs ofthe energy-efficient appliance on theie monthly bills within five to six According to Energy Star’s Web site, their appliancezs can save consumers $75 a year in energy costs, and they use 10 to 20 percen t less energy and water than traditionalp models, making them better for the For example, a front-loading Energy Star washinyg machine uses 16 to 18 gallons of water versus the traditional top-loadin g appliance that uses 40 “I don’t know if our salesd will go up because the customers will stilp have to put out the full amount,” Setzerf said.
“But any increase in salew willbe great, and it woulrd be a great thing for people to get theif money back.” Business has been slow during the economic downturn at both Setzer’s locations here in Jacksonvillr and Ocala, but it’s still going pretty steady becausew people are always going to need refrigeratoras and dishwashers, he said. In addition, 75 to 80 percent of the appliancex he sells areEnergy Star, so Setzerf said he’s very hopeful. Energy Star is also exciteds for the rebate program to go into effect because the Florida proposalis unprecedented, an Energy Star spokesperson said.
In years rebates have caused a jump intheir sales, but they have never had a rebate program like this

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Seattle mayor wants to end employee head tax - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Nickels proposed the $25-per-employee tax in 2006 as one of threew elements of a package to fund local street repaid andadd sidewalks, bicycle lanee and other features. Repealing it would reduce fundingv forthe “Bridging the Gap” program by about $4.7 million. “It’s Economics 101: when you tax something, you get less of it, and we want more jobs in said CouncilPresident Conlin. Reaction from the businesz communitywas swift.
“This tax representds an ‘unwelcome mat’ for and it’s past time that the city rolled it saidKate Joncas, president of the , whichb opposed the tax from the “Taxing new employees in Seattle sends the wronb message to businesses lookinh to grow and businesses looking to relocatd to our city,” she said. The also supported the “It sends a clear messaged that elected officials are targeting specific actions to retaib and createa job-growing economy,” said Chamber Presidentt & CEO Phil Bussey.
“We applaus Mayor Nickels and Councilmembers Burgess and Conlin for theird leadership and will be workin g with council to see it The employee head tax has becom a hot issue inthis year’sz races. At a recent Downtown Seattle Association candidate many candidates talked about repealinhgthe tax. It’s also a relatively easy The employeehead tax, which applies only to employeews who drive to work most of the time, has been bringiny in less money than expected. Meanwhile, the commercial parkingh tax, which will increase to 10 percent onJuly 1, has been bringiny in more money than expected. And a $365 million property tax levy remainasin place.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lackland to gain 74,000 sf training complex - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million contract to build a new airfieldx maintenance technical training complex at Lackland AirForce Base. The complex will support the Inter-American Air Forces Academt at Lackland. The government will build a 74,000 squares foot complex at Lacklanxd that willhouse classrooms, aircraft operations and hanga maintenance training areas as well as administrative The project is slated for completionj in the fall of 2010. The Inter-Americanb Air Forces Academy currently offers this traininv at Port San the former Kelly AirForce Base.
By relocating technical training from Port San Antonioto Lackland, Port San Antonioi officials hope to reuse that space for additional commercial developmenft opportunities. The military is developin this complex as part of the 2005 San Antonik Base Realignment andClosurew (BRAC) construction program. In all, the governmenr expects to spend morethan $2 billion on BRAC-related The Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environmenr selected Plymouth Meeting, Pa.-based AMEC Earth & Environmentalp Inc. as the Construction will be coordinated out ofthe company’ds San Antonio office. The Fort Worth District office ofthe U.S.
Army Corpd of Engineers will provideconstruction

Monday, September 6, 2010

Four ownership groups show interest in Coyotes, sale could keep NHL team in Glendale - Houston Business Journal:
NHL court filings with the U.S Bankruptcy Courtg handling the Coyotes Chapter 11 bankruptcyu protection include a list of possible owners that woulf keep the team in They include: Howard Sokolowski and David Cynamon, owners of the Canadian Footbalk League's Toronto Argonauts; Chicago White Sox ownert Jerry Reinsdorf; Coyotes minority owner John Breslow; and an unnamef Phoenix-area business executive as possible bidders. Research in Motioh CEO Jim Balsillie already hasa $213 millionm offer on the table for the Coyotes and would move the team to Hamilton, Ontario. The Coyote s have lost $316 million since movinb to the Phoenix marketfrom Canada, in 1996.
Balsillie's offer is expected to be substantiallyt greater than any offer to keep the teamin Glendale. RIM makezs Blackberry smartphones and Balsillie is a billionaire who has made offersd for otherNHL teams. The NHL also got more legalo back up Fridayfrom , the and National Basketball Assocation. The professional sports leagues argue in court filings that they should have contro l overfranchises sales, moves and relocations in order to maintain the economic viability of theirt operations. The NHL opposes Balsillie's effortf to move the Phoenix franchise backto Canada.
Coyotes owner Jerry Moyess also said in June 5 court filings thata $100 milio n cash infusion he has put into the team shouldd be treated as a debt the hockey team's reorganization shoulds reimburse him for. Moyesa wants to sell the Coyotesd to Balsillie who contends hockey is not financially viablein Moyes' court filings also downplayede a $750 million lease penaltt the city of Glendale coulfd file for if the Coyotes breao their 30-year lease at Arena. Moyeds and Balsillie want the bankruptcy court to discharge the lease as part ofthe team'sz Chapter 11.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Track developer inks deal with Spencer, adds to mix - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
David Risdon would like to seediscounft shopping, other retail, office space and perhaps some residential uses acrossz from his High Rock Raceway. “The concept would be like a Birkdalew Village but with premium he says, referring to the mixed-usse center in Huntersville. The timeline would be dictated by a recoveryh fromthe recession, he says. Risdon, chief executive of , the limiteed liability company developing HighRock Raceway, would devotse 40 acres on U.S. Highway 29 to the new project. He woulsd seek a retail developer to build theoutlet center. The plan calls for as much as 300,00o square feet of retail space andabouty 200,000 square feet of offices.
A museum and hotek are also planned onthe site. Combined with the $30 2.15-mile road-course racetrack and 114 adjacent the total price tag for High Rock willbe $205 The track is being built on 200 acree once occupied by N.C. Finishing Co., or Color-Texx International, a former Fieldcrest Cannonm plant that wasonce Rowan’s largest employer. The facilitty closed in 2000, eliminating its last 350 The credit crisis and recessionh have delayed the project since it was announcedin 2005. of Sacramento, pulled its offer of a $30 million construction loan earlierthis year.
Now Risdon has the interesrt of a consortium of insurancs and pension companies in financing the track and townhouse phasew ofthe project. He declinesd to identify the financiers. This month, the Spencere Board of Aldermen approveda 28-pagde development agreement that was requiredf by Risdon’s investors. The agreemeny requires the track and an initiak phase of townhouses be complete by a year after site work Risdon expects grading to stargnext month. He has 20 years to complete theentirwe project, according to the development agreement. Claytonm Homes, which operates three plants within 30 minutes of High will buildthe townhouses.
The structures will be fabricated at the plant and erecte at thedevelopment site. Spencer Town Managert Larry Smith says the potential tax revenue and prestige of the project make it wortythe delays. “We’re behind the project as much as wecan

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fair Trade importer Alter Eco cultivates growth - San Francisco Business Times:
Its from this office that Alter Eco Americas is bringingt Fair Trade and organic goods from across the worldto U.S. grocerh stores while trying to make a dent inglobalo poverty. The startup has more than quadrupled its revenur over three yearsto $1.5 million in 2008 by landingy distribution for products such as quinoa and jasminse rice in major grocery chains. One grocer that carriesw its products isWhole Foods, which has increased its Fair Trad offerings to more than 1,000 products in the last two including Alter Eco’s organic extra virgin olive oil from “More consumers are interested in the stories behin d their food,” said Edouard Rollet, co-founder and chiefg operations officer of Alter Eco Americas, in explainingv the company’s explosive growth.
Alterf Eco Americas was started in 2004 in San Francisco as aseparates company, but spun out of Alterr Eco, which was founded in Francwe a decade ago to import and distributew goods from marginalized farmers in countrieas like Bolivia, Peru and