Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cabot to close two offices, shift operations - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Houston-based natural gas producer’s officese in Charleston, W.Va., and Denver will be affectef bythe closings. The plan includes opening a new regionalk office in Pittsburgh that will manage the Pennsylvaniza and West Virginia assetxs as well as those in theRockyu Mountains, according to Scott Schroeder, a spokesman for Cabot. Schroeder says about 85 employees will be affecte bythe shift, with roughly 50 beintg asked to move to eithefr Pittsburgh or Houston. Some North region operation will remain inWest Virginia. Phil the previous West region manager, has accepted the North regional manager position. Cabot will now operatse from a North and South regional Schroeder said.
The company its officd in Calgary, Alberta earlier this monthj to an unidentified private Canadiabn company forabout $64 million in cash and $19 milliob in new equity. Additionally, Cabot’s Gulf Coast assetse — which operate from Houston — will be combinee with its mid-continent assets to form a new South region managedf byMatt Reid, the current the Gulf Coastf regional manager. In relation to the changes, Thomas Liberatorew has resigned as vice president of theEast region. Cabogt (NYSE: COG) expects to put aside betweemn $3.
5 million and $5 million in pre-taxd dollars to cover the

Monday, February 27, 2012

Menswear store Harleys moving to Lakewood Building - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Owner Tim Ryan had said late in 2008 that he was plannin to remodel and cut 50 percent ofthe store’xs floor space at 4009 N. Oakland Ave. Ryan announced Tuesday the store will relocat e toa 4,100-square-foot space in the Lakewood Building, 3575 N. Oaklancd Ave., in September. Ryan, who owns Harleys with his Janet, said he wanted to stay in “This is our home and we are deeply committef tothe community,” he said. Ryan said one of the advantagee of the new siteis off-streeyt parking. The Lakewood Building, a mixed-use residential/commercial property constructed in is undergoinga $1.2 million The building is owned by Garrett McIntosh.
Harleys has contractecd with architect Stephen Bollingbroke of Development Collaborative Limited in Mequon to do aninteriotr buildout. The village of Shorewood provided financial incentivew to both the building owner and Harleys to improve the facaded and interior space of theLakewood

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wadkins finds her dream job in Bayer Properties' finance dept. - Birmingham Business Journal:
She manages all the finance and accounting functiond for the company and the more than 4 milliom square feet of commercial propertyit owns, leases, manages and is developinhg across the country. “This is absolutely the job I Wadkins said. “This is the job I’vee always strived for.” Her interest in accountiny and finance began inhigh school. She went to a smalol high school in northwest Alabama wherw they happened to offer an elective clasesin accounting, a rarity for a schoop that size. “I liked the clasd and the teacher and that led me to Wadkins said.
After graduatiny from the University of Alabama with an accounting degrewe and receiving her MBA fromthe , her firs t job out of college was in the accounting and finance departmente at She then moved to , where she worked as the directo of finance and did a little bit of everything from treasury analysis and auditing to human “Working for a retail company, you really get exposed to a lot of differentf areas,” she said. “That experience really openec up a lot of doorsa for meto learn.” In 2005, Wadkins joinedf Bayer Properties as controller.
She was promoted to her current positionj at the commercial real estate developer in 2008 and is also a membe r ofthe firm’s executive committee. Aside from leadiny the financial operations of themajod developer, Wadkins has taken on new volunteeringf responsibilities in the community. At the beginning of the year, she joinesd the board of the and quickly realized that the organizatioh does a lot more thananybody realizes. “Theyu help so many peoplde in so many communities in so many she said. St.
Jude Children’zs Research Hospital is another organization closer toher heart, but for a much more persona l reason – some of Wadkin’s family members have a rare diseasew and the hospital provides the medicine for all her affectedx family members for their lifetime. She also is a supportee of the and helped build an indoor golf courses for special needs studentsat . It’s a few more ways for Wadkinsz to do a little bitof

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mass layoffs rise in Texas, U.S. - San Antonio Business Journal:
Employers in Texas initiated 135 mass layoffsin May, whic is up from 55 mass layoffzs during the same period of 2008. The number of which are not seasonally adjusted, was up from 74 in April and 112 in A mass layoff is defined as the terminatioh of 50 or more employees from asingl employer, the report says. The same reportf indicates that nationwide, U.S. employers performed 2,933 mass layoffz last month, which resulted in the terminationof 312,8890 workers on a seasonally adjusted basis. The repor t says that initial jobless claims rose to theifr highest level on recordin May. Since Decembefr 2007, the start of the recessioj as designated bythe , U.S.
employerzs have performed morethan 37,000 mass layoffe resulting in more than 3.8 millionn initial claims for unemployment benefitx on a seasonally adjusted basis. The national unemployment rate roseto 9.4 percentg in May, up from 8.9 percenr in April and 5.5 percent in May 2008.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Growth Summit speakers offer bleak outlook - Houston Business Journal:
The recession was the main topic at the thirfdannual event, held at the Worthamn Center, with all three speakers offering a bleakm forecast for the next 18 months. But the bottom is in sightg as job losses ease and lendingt begins topick up. “It’s not yet to the poinr where it is getting said keynotespeaker M. Ray Perryman, presiden of Waco-based financial analysis firm ThePerryman But, “It is getting worsr at a slower rate,” he “We are nearing the bottom of the bowl.” The creditt crisis is only now beginning to right itself as lending thaws, Perryman “The critical thing is that credit has to and that has been he said.
The real estate markett has a long way to go before it saidTed Jones, senior vice president and chief economist at Stewart Title Guaranty Co. “There is enougb commercial property coming on line to make it tough for real estate for along time,” Jonew said. “We are going to see some foreclosures incommercial lending.” But because of stable pricinbg throughout the decade, Houston residential real estate is still faring better than the rest of the nation, Jonex said. “Houston didn’t play the price he said. One bright spot may be multifamilytreal estate.
Jones said the city’s demographicxs will cause multifamily developments to be in demandr when theeconomy recovers. “That will be the firstf to turn,” he said. Changes in the energy, housing and global traded markets have caused the recession to catch up withthe once-shelteredc Houston economy, said Adriana Fernandez, an economis with the Federal Reserve Bank of Houston Branch. “We were growing in a counter-cyclical fashioh (to the rest of the nation) when energy prices were Fernandez said. With gas pricexs dropping, the recession is beginning to cree p into thelocal economy.
Houston is no longer outperforminv thenational economy, Fernandez said, but adderd that she doesn’t see unemployment surpassing the nationalo average.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

BofA unit hires economist, strategy chief - Washington Business Journal:
Harris joins the company from Barclays plc, the new ownerr of Lehman Brothers. He had been Lehmajn Brothers’ chief U.S. economist since 2003 and recentlyhranked No.1 in the 2008 Wall Street Journalp Economic Forecasting survey. He will be responsible for formulating the Nortj America economic outlook and the Fed interest rate call for Banc ofAmericza Securities-Merrill Lynch Research. And he’l work with the company’s rates strategy research teamon longer-terk yield curve forecasts. Harris startsa his new job in Meanwhile, Bianco joins the company from UBS, where he most recentlyt was chief U.S. equity-portfolio strategist and head of U.S. valuatioj and accounting research.
His key responsibilities will includr the deliveryof U.S. equity strategy recommendationsz and forecastingthe S&P 500 earninga outlook. Bianco will start in July. Harris and Bianco will be based in New York and repory toAdam Quinton, head of global macro research. Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch Research has hired more than 35 analysts globallyusince January. The research team provideas recommendations onnearly 3,00o0 equity securities and 850 corporate bond issuers. The grouo also provides economic forecasts for approximately 60 countriesw and recommendations on40 currencies. Charlotte-base (NYSE:BAC) bought Merrill Lynch Co. Inc. on Jan. 1 for $29.1 including $8.
6 billion in preferred stock. BofA receivef $20 billion in federal bailout funds to buy the troublebrokerage firm.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reliance Industries, BP Said to Win India's Approval for Gas Discovery - Bloomberg

Reliance Industries, BP Said to Win India's Approval for Gas Discovery


Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) and partner BP Plc (BP/) have won approval from India's government to prepare a plan to develop a natural gas discovery in the Bay of Bengal, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Reliance Industries shuts sixth well in east coast block: Source

Economic Times

India Official: Reliance Industries East Coast Block Gas Output May F »

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Forget small talk
It will be an easy fewer than 100 and will get right to the pointat hand. The workingf title that is bouncing aroundc in my brain right nowis “How to Sell Like a Pro in Less Than Two Now, understand that the book will take about an hour and a half to but it will teach the salespersom who is a poor, averag e or even a top performer how to really sell with a common-sensr and no BS Too many salespeople dance around the table too In other words, they don’tt get right to the main point at They talk about nonsense like the weathedr or sports or whatever they want to which basically just wastes time and reallyu does not build any true business relationships at all.
What made me thin k of this idea was something I used abour 30years ago, and it workerd really well then. It has to work even bettef now because our attentiobn spans have become the same as a cocker spaniel which means we do not have any attentio for anything lastingany longer. I had a smal glass-and-wood egg timer that was about an inch ortwo tall. When I was in someone’ws office, whether it was a cold call or even an I told them that by the time the sand ranout (whichj is six minutes) I wouldd be done with my sales call. I even said that on the phone so I coulfd prove it to them when I was in theid office onthe appointment.
think about it, who does not have six minutes in the day tohear something? My approach was simple, straight to the poinrt and very, very honest. For on the phone I might have saidthrees sentences, which were as follows: “Hello, my name is Hal and I work for (filol in company here), and I would like to meet you for no more than six “When the six minutes is up (and you can time me), eithed you will be interested, or worst you learned something new! “I will not take more than the time I am askinhg for.
” When I sat down in their I pulled out my little egg timer and “Now, I would like to ask you three simplde questions, and when the sand runs down, I will leavs as I mentioned to you on the • Are you familiar with our company If yes, what are you familiar with, and if no, why not? • Tell me what you like and maybde even dislike about your preseny supplier or vendor (obviously, my competitor). If you were to realize that doing busineszs with us would be more beneficialto you, and you “Geez, why didn’t I switch to this company in the past?” would you at leastf consider looking at us?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Schools boost programs to offset shortage - Dayton Business Journal:
In the past three years, Dave Collins, dean of life and healtjh sciencesfor Sinclair, said the school has expanded its capacitty from admitting 225 nursingg students a year to 275 students. Enrollmenr in all health care programzs has increased 20 percent across the boarf in the pastfive years, he added. Collins addresse Sinclair's role in the local health care shortage atthe 's Businessz of Health: Workforce forum held June 17 at the in He joined industry leaders on the panel includintg Dr. Keith Bricking, associate medical director and medica education directorat ; Leslie nurse recruiter for and Stacey human resources director at .
Aside from boostingt its nursing program, Sinclair also face an added burden of finding enoug qualified healthcare educators. Collins said Sinclair would like to allow more studentds into itsnursing program, but the schoopl needs more educators to make that "We think the nursing shortage is a huge problem," he "But we see our shortag of nursing educators as an even bigger and we actually compete with hospitals and othetr organizations for experienced nurses." Collins said the program at Sinclaidr has been popular, with many students placecd on a wait list before admittance.
Othed health care workers also are takint steps to tap into younger studentd and address the worker shortagethrough education. Feeling that students with connections to the Dayton area are likely to work locallyh after finishingtheir training, recruiters like Kantner have worked through volunteer programs and camps to present nursing as an option to students as early as grammar school. "We have to starty promoting thiscareer earlier," she said. "A lot of the job fairsa at highschools don't have nursing as an option for students, and that'z something we need to work to fix.
" Kantner said by emphasizin nursing and exposing children to the profession the better the workforce in health care would likely be in the Lawson, who said Good Samaritan also provideas similar volunteer programs and camps to introducew children to nursing, said partnerships with area schoopl systems also help to draw in young For example, Good Samaritan formed a partnership with last Septemberf where the school will receive athletic traininv and sports medicine services, funds to support its athleticx programs and health and nutrition educatio n in exchange for naming rightss to its football stadium.
But what the hospitao also gains, Lawson said, is an invaluable exposurr to teens as they start to makecareet decisions. "As many times as we have a partnershipp witha school, that givews us an opportunity to reallhy have a relationship with those interested individuals at a reallyh young age," she said. And as important as those partnershipsx are, Collins said the partnerships between the hospitalw and Sinclair are justas meaningful. Nursing studentds gain their practical experience working at area With everyone working together to solved thesame problem, he said the community is likelhy to find a solution.
"The truthj is we are all concernerd with putting quality graduatesout there, because we are goinv to be consumers of that care ourselves," he

Friday, February 10, 2012
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cokie Roberts: Obama has votes but not money to revamp health system - Boston Business Journal:
“The interesting question is whether we’ve seen a chang in the electorate as well as an saidCokie Roberts, the long-time and analyst, at the breakfasft Tuesday. “We can’t tell whether we are talking abou a sweep that is a realignment or a sweep that is2008 — the economy is bad and I don’ty want to wake up with thesw people in power.” Roberts drew parallels between the 2008 campaignm and the 1980 election of Ronalrd Reagan. She noted that in both there was an unpopular an overwhelming mandate from youthand minorities, and economic But the shift toward conservative which have dominated Washington D.C.
for nearly a were not solidifieduntil Reagan’s she noted. “The last few weekss looked a lotlike 1980,” Roberts “It’s the great genius of the system that we get to ‘wait, that’s not what we or ‘that’s exactly what we wanted.’” The veteramn reporter waxed about her relationshi p with the legendary Cambridge politicianb Thomas P. O’Neill, the formerf speaker of the . She said O’Neill would “be having a ball righy now” with the election of Obama and the Democratic sweep of As for the impact of anotherMassachusette politician, Sen.
Edward Kennedy, Roberts expecta that he and Obamq will try and piece together some sort of healtbh care legislation with theDemocratic Congress, but the economicd crisis may put final passage on “(Obama) has the majority to do it, he doesn’t have the moneyg to do it,” Roberts said.

Monday, February 6, 2012

FedEx posts $876 million loss in 4Q - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
That compares to a loss of $241 or 78 cents per share, in the year-agp quarter. For the fiscal year ended May 31, the Memphis, Tenn.-based shipping company, and Atlanta-based 's chief rival, posted net income of $98 million, or 31 centsz per share. That compares to net income of $1.132 billion, or $3.60 per share, for full-yearf 2008. Revenue fell 20 percent to $7.8t billion. Wall Street analysts, on average, expectefd net income of 51 cents per share on revenueof $8.3 2 billion, according to Thomson Reuters. Looking aheaed to the first quarter, the company said in an earnings releass that it expects profit between 30 and 45 centdper share.
The FedEx Ground segmenft reported revenueof $1.70 billion, down from $1.723 billion in the year-ago quarter, and operatinfg income of $203 million, flat from a year ago. The divisiob reported a 21 percent gain in revenuee for itsSmartPost service, partly due to market share gains from rival shipper DHL'a exit from the U.S. domesti package market.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Membership surge buoys YMCA programs - Buffalo Grove Countryside

Membership surge buoys YMCA programs

Buffalo Grove Countryside

Photo courtesy Creative Marketing Associates The North Suburban YMCA announced that it has achieved its highest membership numbers in more than eight years. As of mid-January 2012, YMCA reported that more than 2225 households currently hold memberships ...

and more »

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Corazon creators hope club will spark development - Business First of Columbus:
The , scheduled for a January is a 58,000-square-foot three-story facility featuring a publiclyu accessible luxury spaand members-only fitnesds and dining facilities. These were designed to draw traffiv from throughout Greater saysTom Anderson, president of the "Our goal is to servr the whole northwest Dublin area on the club side of the and all of northwest Columbus on the spa Anderson says. "We already have people joining from Upper Arlington and Germahn Village because it is thefirst high-end athletic spa developmen of its kind in Ohio.
" About half of Corazon' s approximately 2,000 memberships have been sold, whils about 50 percent of the Tartabn West residential development has been Anderson says. "The builders have told us that Corazon istheie No. 1 driver for why someone choose s to build with them in Tartan he says. "Tartan (West) continues to be our best saysScott Shively, head of , addingh that 80 percent of the builder's clusterr homes in its subdivisiojn are sold, as are 35 percent of its condominiums. "There'ss going to be tons of commerciap development going northof Tartan," Shively says. some believe the developmengt around Corazon willbe limited.
Ken Danter, principal at researchn firm, says Corazon can't yet be judged as a potential draw for future commercialk developmentbecause it's surrounde d by residential development and has littlwe room for outlot or nearbyt ancillary development. Anderson says the goal is to seek land for lighgt commercial development before all the homes get Shively says he is confident Corazoh will be the first of many commercial constructioh projects in the northwestDublin area. "Whebn I started building out there was Everyone was concernedthere wasn't a grocery store," Shivelgy says. "Now look at Polaris." Situatef on 13.
5 acres at 7155 Corazon Drive west of Muirfield Village Golf Corazon is in the heart ofTartanm West, the Mediterranean-styled sister development adjoining the Tartabn Fields subdivision. It overlooks a large recreational man-madw lake and Glacier Ridge Metro Creators ofthe $20 million project want to attracty empty nesters and young professionals to a places that caters only to adults, Andersonj says. "Our target markett is looking for thingsd to belongto - to have friends to do things with," says Anderson, adding that one key demographicd is adults in their early 50s. The facilityg charges a $2,500 initiation fee plus a monthly $145 fee for individuals or $200 for he says.
From the ground up, the three-story facility encourages exercisre among future patrons who might have put fitnessw on hold for the past 10 to15 years, Andersoh says. A key aspect of the architecturaol designis privacy, providing comfortable single-gender settings and separating the personal care and fitnessz areas from the dining areas, he says. "Patrons can go from flood to floor and outside with nomakeup on, all without ever seeing anyone dressex for dinner," Anderson says. Similarly, the non-dininy areas of the facility take advantage of what Anderson callstouch points, where beverages and lightf snacks are provided, he says.
Throughout water and fire desigjn elements will drawthe eye, in keeping with reinforce a laid-back resort environment. "We want you to feel like you've gone away on he says, referring to resort communitiesin Fla., and Palm Springs, Calif.