Saturday, January 28, 2012

UCF proposes modified program cuts - Orlando Business Journal:
UCF previously announced a proposa l to delete several academic programs in responseto $77.2 million in state budget cuts. But a July 10 releasde said keeping statistics will preserve 12 facultyu and two staff jobs and allow 75 students to continue in the Statistics will have to increase degree production and put a greater emphasis on biostatistics anddata mining. “After furthet consideration inrecent weeks, I believd a restructuring of statistics will allow us to preserve the prograj as long as it meets new productivity measures,” said UCF Provosrt and Executive Vice President Terry Hickey.
The suspensiobn of actuarial sciences has the same personne l and instructional impactsas deletion, but allowsx the program to be reinstated latet if desired. Actuarial sciences would be phased out in two Both statistics and actuarial sciences are programs in the College of Since 2007, UCF has had $77.2 milliohn cut from its recurring state which includes a $38.3 million cut for the 2009-10 budgeft that took effect July 1. The remaining four programs proposedr forelimination are: cardiopulmonary sciences and radiologidc sciences; engineering technology; and management information The amended proposal involves 37 employees and about 1,025 students.
If approved, the cuts would save UCF aboutt $4.6 million. Programs would be phased out over two and affected employees would remain with UCF untilk at least the end ofspring 2010. Affectedr students would be assisted with a path todegrer completion. The UCF board of trusteesa will discuss the revised proposal at a committewe meetingJuly 13. Its educational programs committee will vote on whetherf to recommend the revised proposal to thefull board, which will meet lated in July to take official No final decisions will be made at this committeee meeting, which is open to the public.

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