Monday, January 30, 2012

Atlanta financial woes dominate mayoral debate - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Two members of the city a state senator and two politicao newcomers all vying tosucceed term-limited Mayof Shirley Franklin ­ agreed that the city must find a way to end furlougha for police officers and firefighterd while fixing financial problems that have sent Atlanta'sz bond ratings to near-junk status. The key to overcominh chronic budget deficits is an overhauk ofthe city's financial managementf system, said Glenn Thomas, one of the newcomers, although a formerd city employee. Only by gaining control of its he said, can Atlanta's economic developmen efforts succeed. "The way you rebuild the economy is manage what you have he said.
"That in itself will encourage businesses to come to But City Council President Lisa Bordersxsaid Atlanta's finances can't recoverr without an injection of additional revenuew sources beyond the "two-legged stool" of property taxes and salesw taxes. If elected mayor, she said she woulr promote using Atlanta's landfills as a sources of methane gas that could be sold asalternativee fuel. She said another potential new revenuew source would be training other police and fire personnel at the citytraininvg center. "The other parts of the regio steal our police officers and firefightersonce they're trained," Bordersw said. "We must be dointg it best.
" Each candidate in turn toutee his or her experiencse as particularly suited for the job of Georgia Sen. Kasim Reed, D-Atlanta, said the 11 year he has spent building relationships in the Generall Assembly would make him an effectivd advocate for Atlanta under theGold Dome. As an example, he cited his work in convincing majority Republicansw to allow Atlanta to usethe state'xs credit rating to obtain $500 million in low-interest loans for the city's sewer system overhaul. "Ig matters that you know who thoseindividualas are," he said.
Councilwoman Mary Norwood, the only whit e candidate amongthe five, said her two victories in citywids races for one of the council's at-large seats showed she appealz to a racially and politically diverse electorate. "kI live in a red neighborhood in a blue city in a red stat in ablue country," said the Buckheasd resident, referring to the now-widely accepted characterizatiob of Republican territory as and Democratic turf as "blue." Four of the five candidates said gettinh the city back on its feet financially wouldf be their top prioritt as mayor.
Norwood said she woulr focus first on public All five candidates supported fundingfor Atlanta's arts and subject to the availability of moneg in a tight But they were cool toward plans to revitalize Undergroundc Atlanta with a casino. Jesse Spikes, a partner with the law firm , said legalized gamblinbg wouldn't be a good fit for the area. "Georgi a State has invested a lot of moneuy indowntown Atlanta," he said. "We need to make sure what we invesyt in is consistentwith what's already there." About 250 people turneed out for the debate at the Georgia-Pacific auditorium, sponsored by , , (NYSE: AGL) and Atlanta Businessd Chronicle.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

UCF proposes modified program cuts - Orlando Business Journal:
UCF previously announced a proposa l to delete several academic programs in responseto $77.2 million in state budget cuts. But a July 10 releasde said keeping statistics will preserve 12 facultyu and two staff jobs and allow 75 students to continue in the Statistics will have to increase degree production and put a greater emphasis on biostatistics anddata mining. “After furthet consideration inrecent weeks, I believd a restructuring of statistics will allow us to preserve the prograj as long as it meets new productivity measures,” said UCF Provosrt and Executive Vice President Terry Hickey.
The suspensiobn of actuarial sciences has the same personne l and instructional impactsas deletion, but allowsx the program to be reinstated latet if desired. Actuarial sciences would be phased out in two Both statistics and actuarial sciences are programs in the College of Since 2007, UCF has had $77.2 milliohn cut from its recurring state which includes a $38.3 million cut for the 2009-10 budgeft that took effect July 1. The remaining four programs proposedr forelimination are: cardiopulmonary sciences and radiologidc sciences; engineering technology; and management information The amended proposal involves 37 employees and about 1,025 students.
If approved, the cuts would save UCF aboutt $4.6 million. Programs would be phased out over two and affected employees would remain with UCF untilk at least the end ofspring 2010. Affectedr students would be assisted with a path todegrer completion. The UCF board of trusteesa will discuss the revised proposal at a committewe meetingJuly 13. Its educational programs committee will vote on whetherf to recommend the revised proposal to thefull board, which will meet lated in July to take official No final decisions will be made at this committeee meeting, which is open to the public.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Termini acquires AM&A's warehouse - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
According to public documents filed late Thursdayy in the ErieCounty Clerk’s Office, Termini’se H@Lofts LLC paid $720,000 for the histori building. The building had been owned by New Horizon sAcquisitions LLC, a Long Island-based developmen firm. Termini is in the earl y stages of renovating theformer warehouse, partxs of which date back to the late 1800s, into a mixed-usre development anchored by 47 market-rate apartments and 15,0090 square feet of office space. P&B Acquisitions will occupy theofficde space, while Termini said he is compilinhg a rapidly growing list of prospectivee tenants for the apartments. Termini will be investing morethan $11 millio in the project.
The which is being called the H@Lofts, is expected to welcome its firstg residential tenantsnext spring. In the meantime, Termini is talkingg with local and state officials about incentive packagesa needed before he can acquire theflagshio AM&A's department store building on Main Street from New Termini predicted the cost of renovating the buildinfg between $80 million and $100 He said it would only be possiblwe with a heavy influx of publicf sector dollars and support. The developere said it may take him more than one perhaps as long as 18 to secure all thenecessary public-sector dollarsz he needs for the AM&A'w department store project.
The former which has been closed since1995 -- save for a brier run as Taylor’s Departmenrt Store -- will likely be used as a mixed-use developmentf project, also anchored by residentiakl units.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The right latitude: Horton Family Maps charts its own path - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The owner of Horton Family Maps logs thousandxs of miles each year cruisingthe city, looking for new streetws and changes to old “You have to keep your eyes he says. “Sometimes they’ll put up a stree in the middleof nowhere.” Horton’s careful attentiomn to the City Different’s transportatio n transformation might help explain why his company’as maps are must-haves for local from plumbers to real estats agents. Just ask John Grover, a real estate broket with ColdwellBanker - Trails West Realty. “It’as just a valuable, valuable resourcse for us,” he says, adding that the Horton map for Santaz Fe has becomethe go-tio map for the .
“It saves us a lot of We’d be lost without it.” Horton, who also puts out maps for Española, Los Alamos, Pecos and Taos, has been producing detailed street mapssincee 1982. He updates the maps every two years to keep up with new For instance, the new map for Santa Fe, issued in April, contains more than 300 new streer entries. Horton started the mapmaking busineszs outof necessity. “I needed a job,” he says. Aftet a failed attempt to launch a want ad papet akin tothe , he took a job sellinyg advertising for the , but was laid off after two-and-a-half years.
“I was on the plazqa trying to figure out what to comeup with, and people were talkingg about the need for good he recalls. “And I ‘Well, I can do Horton took his inspiration from maps he sold in high school inLos “I knew from that there are businesses that depene on maps,” he says. He attributes the succeses of the business, which operates out of to the accuracy of the maps and developingv aniche — as well as a good “I think reliability is the Grover says. “You can always counyt on a Horton mapbeingb right.” Thinking creatively has also been key to Horton Family Maps’ long-term survival.
While Horton’as map books are available at theusualo pick-up-a-map spots — such as bookstores and tourist haunts you can also find them at hardwars stores, furniture stores, a Santa Fe locksmith’s shop and othef unlikely places. “You have to go out to where thepeopled are, and not all the traditional places,” he “Contractors don’t necessarily go to but they do go to hardware stores, becausw they need to.” And in places where the maps vie for attentio with other brands, Horton’s trademark black-and-whitee cover, which always depicts a road scene somewhere in northern New Mexico, stands out.
“People try to figure out, ‘Wherwe is that road?’” he says. “It’s a good conversation piece.” Horton — who occasionally recruitas help from his daughter and son as well as aGIS (Geographicv Information Systems) specialist when new editionx are in production — says aside from a considerable dip in salews last year, the company is weathering the recessiobn fairly well.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

End of AIDS is in sight, if funds are there for it - The Boston Globe


End of AIDS is in sight, if funds are there for it

The Boston Globe

THIRTY YEARS after AIDS made its deadly debut, a future without the disease is fin »

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Textron cancels Cessna Columbus program - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In April, the company announced it would suspendthe program, leading Cessna leaders to say it would only be a mattefr of time until the projecyt came back. But in Thursday’z filing with the SEC, Textron (NYSE:TXT) said “Upoh additional analysis of the business-jet markegt related to this product we decided to formally cancep further development of theCitation Columbus.” Textronb says it already had incurred about $50 million in capitalizerd tooling and facility costs relatef to the project. It says it will record a non-cashj pre-tax charge of about $43 million for the first two quarteres of 2009 to reflect the impairmentr of the facility andtooling assets.
Wichita Mayort Carl Brewer, who was in Denver Friday at a had not heard the Columbus project was beinbg canceled until asked about it by the WichitwaBusiness Journal. “I’m disappointed,” Brewerr says. “... We believe this is part of the futurs for the cityof Wichita. We’re just reallyu disappointed thatit happened.” At the same he says, he understands the economivc climate has forced businesses to make toughn decisions.
The project was to have built 600,000-square-foot finapl assembly building at Cessna where the majoritg ofthe $27 million business jet would be There was also to have been a 45,000-square-foot physicall plant to serve the main Construction costs were expected to be $200 million and bids were put out in • • • • • Columbus, Kan.-based Inc. Aparg from the loss in construction jobs, the Wichita area now appearzs to have lost out for good onthe 1,00 0 direct jobs and the 3,000 spin-of f jobs the program was estimated to create.
It also appearsz likely that Cessna will have to pay backthe $10 million it received in city and countg incentives and the $33 millio n it received from the state for the Like Brewer, Sedgwick County Commissioner Tim Norton says he is disappointecd to hear the news of the cancelation. “I think most Wichitans and the business community looke at that as abig announcement,” he says. “I t takes a little bit of the wind out of the sailss for Cessna and general It could have been a huge boost to Wichit over the next couple years and I thinkj everybodysaw that.” Norton says he hopeas the project will be able to return somewheres down the line.
The business plan that was put in he says, still coulsd be a good fit.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Arizona SBA pushing new loan programs - Phoenix Business Journal:
The new program, part of the Americam Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009, authorizes the creationj of a temporary emergency loan programj called American Recovery or ARC loans. Workshops will be held throughout Arizona, includinvg Phoenix, on June 3, June 24 and July 1; Mesa on June 11; and Goodyeard on June 18. The seminar s will outline resources available tosmall businesses. Ther e are distinctive criteria forARC loans, including: The busines s must be a viable smal l business, show financial hardship that requires temporary financialp relief, and demonstrate how it will remain open and healthyy after the loan disburses.
The maximum loan amount is $35,000, with one loan per No payments are required in the first 12 Loans are 100 percent guaranteed bythe SBA, are interestf free and have no fees. Applicants must meet the SBA’ds borrower eligibility as to type of business and have a net worth of equal to or lessthan $8.5 with average two-year profitsx of less than $3 million. While the workshops are registrationis required. Smalk businesses are encouraged to reach out to theier lenders or the SBA to find out wherr to apply for ARC which is not yet The program is expected to launcJune 15.
To register: 602-745-7200 or and select then “Public Meeting: General

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aleem Gillani Executive Profile
With 15 years in the banking Gillani has extensive experience and expertise in marketrisk management. Prior to joining PNC, he was the executivee director of Global Marketg Risk Managementat Fleet/Bank Boston, where he worked for the past eight He also previously held managemenf positions at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commercew and the Toronto-Dominion Bank. Gillani holds a bachelor's degreew from York University in Toronto and completeed the advanced management program at Harvard He has served on the boardx of directors for the Risk Management Association and as chairmanj of its MarketRisk **All Executive profile data provided by Dow

Friday, January 13, 2012

Terry Bassham Executive Profile
Mr. Bassham previously was Executive Vice CFO and Chief Administrative Officer for El Paso ElectriccCompany (EPE) in El Texas. In those roles, he oversaw EPE financial, regulatory and administrative functions. Mr. Bassham joined EPE in 1996 as Generall Counsel and increasingly assumed responsibility forlegislative affairs, regulator filings and corporate governance. His career began in 1985 when he joinedEl Paso

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Regions Bank gets control of Treasure Island Tennis & Yacht Club - San Antonio Business Journal:
Judge Caryl E. Delano of the ’s Middle District of Florida, approved a plan Wednesday that woul turn over the Treasure Islane Causeway clubto . Keys are expected to be turned over by the end of the day The changing of handw was part of a revised reorganization plan filed in March by theTennis & Yacht Club following its Chaptefr 11 bankruptcy. “The court’s rulingb today provides a mechanism for a distincft bank subsidiary to take total ownership of all club assetas in a manner thatis faster, less expensivw and least intrusive to the of the club, said John Anthony of , who representee Regions Bank in the bankruptcy, in a statement.
The takeover will allow Regions Bank to marketg the 17 waterfront acres topotential buyers, Anthonyy said. When the Tennis Yacht Club filedfor bankruptcy, it reported assetds and liabilities between $1 million and $10 The club’s largest unsecured creditor last October was of Palmettlo for $13,502. However, the club owed Regions Bank as muchas $9.5 which owned the mortgage on the property. The club issuecd taxable variable rate demand bondsfor $6 million through Regions Bank in Septemberf 2005 to help finance constructionj on a new clubhouse, which was completed in early 2008. The club issuecd a second bond in March 2006for $1 milliom and a third in April 2007 for $1.
8 Regions Bank provided letterss of credit for both, according to court The Tennis & Yachft Club paid its principal on the debt in Octobe 2008, but its efforts to have Regions Bank restructure the loan were forcing the club into bankruptcy. Employees at the club are expected to remai on the payroll duringthe transition, and scheduledd activities — including this weekend’s Fourth of July evenft — will continue as planned, Anthon y said. The Tennis & Yachr Club was founded in 1986 and as of its bankruptcyt filing had450 members, according to court documents.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Obama Returns to Bush Plan for Cutting US - BusinessWeek

Obama Returns to Bush Plan for Cutting US


6 (Bloomberg) -- The Obama administration plans to revert to a Bush-era plan to cut the number of US Army combat brigades in Europe in half as part of the Pentagon budget cuts to be announced within weeks, UK Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said. ...

and more »

Friday, January 6, 2012

AAA: Tennessee gas averaging $2.34 per gallon - Memphis Business Journal:
The retail price of a gallon of gas rose 4 centas in the past weekin Tennessee. AAA South puts the Tennesse average gallon of gasat $2.33 now. That’s more than the $2.2923 motorists paid a week ago and well abovwethe $1.910 they paid on averag e last month. However, it is much lower than the $3.83 gas customers paid this timelast year. Floridaa and Georgia prices rose by 6 cents in thepast week. "Thr current retail price trenxd has been pushed byrefinery reductions, crude and wholesale pricde increases, but not by consumer Gregg Laskoski, managing director of public relations for AAA said in a statement.
“On May 1, the nationapl average price of gasoline was 45 cents per gallon less than it is Even the most bullisg of analysts would have to expecf the rateof (retail gasoline) price increasex to slow down in coming weeks sincs all rallies come to an end.” A barrekl of crude oil closed $4.64 highere this week over last week at $66.31. Cruded would need to trade at about $100 per barrell for gas prices tohit $3. But that is well abovre this year’s highest projections of $70-$745 per barrel, according to Tom publisher and chief oil analystat .
, a trade publicatioh for the oil industry reporting on retail andwholesalwe prices, said this week “historty is on the side of a price decline.”

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gaps In Health Coverage Can Disrupt Preventive Care - NPR (blog)

Live Insurance News

Gaps In Health Coverage Can Disrupt Preventive Care

NPR (blog)

But surely having insurance every now and then is better than none at  »

Monday, January 2, 2012

Anthony J. Massetti Executive Profile
Before joining NCR in 2008, Massetti served as CFO for QLogicx Corp., a leader in networking storageand high-performance During his five years with he was responsible for building a strong finance organizatiohn with solid financial processes and His leadership contributed to an improvedc financial model and profitable growth. Massetti began his careere at IBM and served for 17 years in positions thatspanned accounting, financial planning, treasury and business He spent five years at IBM