Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hospital carves out niche - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Now, two-and-a-half years after CTCA’s Philadelphia medica l center opened itsdoors — at what had been the site of the shuttere d in Northeast Philadelphia — the specialtty hospital is getting ready to spend more than $20 millionj in capital improvement projects to meet growinbg demand. That’s on top of the $8 milliom it spent on improvements duringy its recently completedfiscal “Patient growth has gone faster than expected, so has our job said McNeil, the hospital’s president and CEO. Last the 38-bed hospital provided care to 1,000p patients on an inpatient basiwand 3,000 who received outpatienrt care.
It expects those figures to grow by 30 percent in thisfiscalo year. On the job front, CTCA startefd with 154 employees in Philadelphia and has grown to a staff of 554. Over the next year the medicalk center expects to be at 750 McNeil attributes the growth tothe hospital’sx patient-centered treatment philosophy that combines variedx disciplines in oncology and complementary medicine to treaty “not just cancer, but the whole person.” That means everything from purchasing such as the $1.
5 million PET/Cr scanner the hospital bought this year to replace its dependencre on a mobile service; offeringy innovate treatment options, such as usin g hyperthermia to enhance the performance of radiation therapty in shrinking tumors; or meeting a uniqur request from a patient. “If a patientg wants to see his orher dog, we’lk figure out a way to make it McNeil said. “Sometimes seeing a pet is the most important thinfto them.” CTCA is based in Illinois and has hospitalz in Tulsa, Okla.; and Zion, Ill.; and Philadelphia and an outpatient facilitty in Seattle.
The companyu is planning to open a hospital in Phoenix at the end of the year and is scouting locations for a medicapl center in the Atlanta When it came tothe city, McNeipl said CTCA was well aware Philadelphia was home to threer hospital-based National Cancer Institute-designated canced centers (Fox Chase Cancer Center, the at the , and the at ). “We’rde not here to compete with other he said.
“We’re here to focu on each and every patient and treagt them the same as we woulcd treat a member of our Myday isn’t consumed by looking at We focus on the patients and what we can do for The numbers take care of According to the , CTCA’s Philadelphi a medical center generated operating revenue of $102.27 milliob and a net income of $1.07 million last year. Visiy CTCA’s Philadelphia hospital and after a few minutess it becomesapparent you’re not in a typical medical It’s not so much the piano in the cornere of the dining room, the free newspapers in the lobby or the wall-to-wall carpeting throughout the It’s the stories of the patients, most of whom seek out the hospitaol on their own.
Patients come on averaged 514 miles to receive their care at the 85 percent ofthe hospital’s patients come from outsid e the region. John Butler came to the hospital from Southy Carolina after researching his treatment optionz onthe Internet. Rick Coward traveled from the Virgin Islandds to get care at CTCA because a relativee had a positive experiencesat CTCA’s hospital outside “I’ve yet to see a sad face in this Coward said. “Everybody treats me like family.” Kimberly Johnsomn decided to travel here from Cincinnati after seeing a commercialo about CTCAon television.

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