Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cashing in on aging boomers - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
“People wanted nothing to do with the mature saidMaddy Dychtwald, senior vice president of the company in San Now, the consumer products and services industry can’y stop thinking about the mature market, especiallyt since a baby boomer turns 50 evergy 8½ seconds. At 78 million people, boomers representt one-third of all adults in the Uniter States. They control half of the nation’s wealthn and, at least before the were spending $2 trillion on consumer products and servicesa year. Boomers were expectefd to account for about 40 percent of spending by according to a reportin 2007.
So, retailers and marketer are eager to figure out how to reach this Some in the consumer products and servicees industry are gettingit right, while many othersz still have much to learn and lose, said experts who specializr in marketing to baby boomers. Marketing to this 19-yea generation is proving tricky. Althoughg boomers are lumped together, they’re a diversew group with divergent life experiences given that they range in age from 44to 63. And like the rest of the they range from affluenr tofinancially disadvantaged.
The way to marke t to boomers is by individual life stagesegmentsd — such as empty-nesters and grandparents — without mentioning age, consultant s said. “They refuse to be called That is the worst thing you can do tothis group,” said Alicre Jacobs, a Roseville baby boomer who advisess companies on generational marketing and teacheas seminars and classes on the topic, includinb through UC Davis Extension. Although generalizinhg of boomers should bedone sparingly, older baby boomers refuse to grow up. They thini old age starts arouned 75or 80, said Matt Thornhill, foundere of , a marketing research and consulting firm in Boomers see themselves as vibrantr and active.
They like trying new services and despite the myth that they are spokesman AnthonyDeluise said. The association of peopld 50 and older no longer uses inits name. Boomers like print advertising becauser they want lots of Boomers also pay attention tonew media, and will click on eye-catchinvg Internet ads. This generation also likew products, services and shopping experiences that make them feel special and consultants said. They don’t want to merely eat or buy They wantto dine; they want experiences. This is especiallg true since therecession started.
Many boomer s who are 60 had expected to retire over the nextfive Now, they will likely work an extra thre e to five years because of theire hard-hit investments and pensions, Dychtwald said. The good news is they won’f be on a fixed income and willstill spend. But theit free time will be more More boomers will be working and raising childrejn or grandchildren while also dealingt with their ownsick parents. As a “experience over things become valued,” Dychtwaled said. “There is a real shift going on righty now on what peoplare valuing.” Boomers in particula r want to be responsibls consumers. “It’s not about buying stuff to have Thornhill said.
Lifestyle centers which combine upscale stores with entertainment and comfortable places tolinger — provide the experiencese that boomers want. Local examples are Sacramento’s Pavilions centefr and The Fountainsin Roseville.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

$47.2M loan secured for apartments - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Village at Secret Lake LP closede ona $47.2 million construction permanent loan May 12 to finance the Villags at Secret Lake near the Orange Lake Countrgy Club. Osceola County records show the project is being built on a portionb of the property that previouslyt was an RV park on the south sideof U.S. Highwayh 192 and the Daniel WebsterWestern Beltway. Carolyb Whatley, first vice presidentt and senior loan originatorfor ’s Palm Beach brokered the -insured It is the largest transactionb processed through the Jacksonville this according to a news release.
The $56 million Village at Secretr Lake is plannedfor 12, four-storyy buildings with elevators, featuring a conservation pond, putting green, tot lot and oversized resort-style The project broke ground two weeks ago and is slatede for completion November 2010. Malvern, Pa.-based James S. AIA & Associates LLC is the architect andJacksonville Beach-basee LLC is the general

Monday, April 25, 2011

University System of Md. to break up biotechnology institute - Business First of Louisville:
The public university system’s Boare of Regents approved Friday a sweeping restructuringb ofthe (UMBI) that will parceo out its four research centers, along with staff and otherr assets, to other campuses. Systek leaders hope the restructuring will drive researchb collaboration and boost access to outside It also means an endfor UMBI, whicuh was launched to great fanfare two decades ago with the missiojn of advancing education, research and economic development for what was then the state’s nascentt biotech industry.
A months-long studty of UMBI by an ad hoc committee led by USM regentsd Chairman Clifford Kendall concludedthat “the organizatioh of UMBI as a geographicallg dispersed, free-standing entity has created intractablwe problems.” Those problems included an inabilitty to scale UMBI programs, isolation among UMBI’s research centers, the lack of a criticapl mass of graduate and undergraduatde students involved in UMBI research, and administrative “After a comprehensive and deliberative process, we have concluded that restructurinbg UMBI’s assets is the right thing to do,” Kendall said in a “With a focus on collaboration across disciplines and across institutions — and with recognition of the exceptionak talent within the UMBI community and the system’ s other institutions, this action will position USM to take fuller advantage of its system-wide strength s in the biosciences and to fuel the state’x knowledge economy ! even more.
” The move isn’t a totall surprise. Critics have long questioned whether the statew was duplicating its research efforts inthe biosciences. UMBI’xs four centers in Rockville and College Park conduct research on medical, biotechnology, marine and environmental At the same time, state funding for higher educationh is pinched by the recession and the state’s budget deficit, and research needs are growing. Under the restructuring approvec Friday by the regents at a meeting in a joint University System of Maryland researchg center will be establishedat UMBI’es Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology in Rockville.
The system’e flagship College Park campus will oversede the facility and work with the University of Baltimore to elevate workin physics, engineering and computational sciences as well as structurap biology, protein design and drug discovery. • UMBI’s Centetr for Biosystems Research will also be overseen byCollegre Park. • A joint research center at UMBI’ Center of Marine Biotechnology in Baltimore will be with administrative responsibility fallinvg to the Universityof Maryland, Baltimore County.
UMBC will collaboratr with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Scienced and the Universityof Maryland, Baltimor e to drive research in environmental and genomic sciences. • UMBI’s Baltimore-based Medical Biotechnologhy Center will fall under the Universityof Baltimore’s purview. • UMBI’s Institute of Fluorescence will be administeresby UMBC. • UMBI’s K-12 educational programs will be overseemn by with an eye on enhancinv itsteaching focus. UMBI President Jennie Hunter-Cevera is steppinhg down June 30 after 10 years inthat role.
She will becomer executive vice president of discovery and analytical sciencesx and corporate developmentat , a North Carolinz nonprofit. The University System of Maryland will honot tenure held by UMBIfaculty members, and administrative suppory staffers will be able to stay in theifr jobs through fiscal 2010. Job opportunities at othefr system campuses willbe identified, and memoranda of understandinhg outlining future operations and collaborations are expected to be completed by the end of this year and fullh implemented by the end of fiscal 2010.
UMBI generate about $25 million in research activity annually, and university system leaderzs hope to see that number increase dramatically by breakingb upthe institute. “Today’s decisione by the board provide a tremendous opportunity for the University Systemn of Maryland to increase the volume and impact of its basid and applied research in the said USM ChancellorWilliam E. Kirwan in a “This restructuring has the potential to double the research productivityof UMBI’s current assets within five

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Andreessen, Horowitz venture fund may be good news, if you're in the right ZIP code - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Netscape founder Marc Andreessen and his longtimebusinesz partner, Ben Horowitz, are forming a new VC firm with a focusa on Silicon Valley tech companies. Andreessen writeds that the firm will back companies with stron g technical founders who want to be the CEOs of thecompaniese they’re founding. He wouldn’t rule out companiea outside Silicon Valley, but, “We do not thinm it is an accidentg that is inMountain View, Faceboolk is in Palo Alto, and Twitter is in San Francisco. We also think that ventures capital is a high touch activity that lends itselfr togeographic proximity, and our only officw will be in Silicon Valley,” Andreessen writes on his .
The new firm comez at a time when some are sayinbg the industry needsto shrink, not grow. But Andreesse n and Horowitz found $300 million from mostly institutionapl investors for theirfirsgt fund. The firm, Andreesen-Horowitz, will invest aggressively in seed-stagw startups in the hundreds of thusands of but will also invest in later staged funding rounds for promisinggrowthu companies. Consumer internet, cloud computing for mobile softwareand services, and software-poweredr consumer electronics are among the areas that will draw investments from the new “Across all of these categories, we are completely unafraid of all of the new businessa models,” Andreessen writes.
“We believe that many vibrant new forms of information technology are expressing themselves into markets in entirely new And Andreessen was equally emphatic about where hisfirm wouldn’ty be . "We are almost certainly not an appropriat e investor for any of thefollowing domains: 'clean,' 'green,' transportation, life sciences (biotech, drug medical devices), nanotech, movie production companies, consumef retail, electric cars, rocket ships, space elevators. We do not have the firstr clue about any ofthese fields.
" Andreessen-Horowitz will have the capacity to invesy anywhere from $50,000 to $50 million in new He said that at leas initially he and Horowitz would be the only two general partneras in the company, and they would be selective about the portfolio companies whose board s they join – generally limitint that level of involvement to firms in whicg Andreessen-Horowitz have a $5 million or more Andreessen believes his and Horowitz’s records as entrepreneursw will make them ideal venture capitalists. “We have buily companies, from scratch, to high scalre -- thousands of employees and hundreds of millions of dollarxs ofannual revenue. In we have done it ourselves.
And we are building our firm to be the firm we woulc want to work with as entrepreneurs Andreessen writes. Andreessen foundefd the pioneering web browsercompany , which was later sold to . Sinced then, he and Horowitz launched , a tech serviced provider sold toin 2007. Netscape and Opsware sold for acombined $11.7 billion. The two have been activ investors in the tech spacesince then. They’vw angel invested in 45 tech startups in the last five and Andreessen serves as chairman of and on the boards of Facebook and Word that the pair would be forminf their own venture capital firm was broken on the Charlide Rose show in But details cameon Monday.
The pair had initiallt planned onraising $250 millionb for the fund, but investor interest prompted them to boosyt the amount, BusinessWeek . The news magazinwe reports thatReid Hoffman, founder of social networking site LinkedIn, is amonbg the investors in the which raised most of its money from institutional investors. Andreessen-Horowitz launches at a tough time for the venturdcapital industry, one in which some are sayint the industry needs to not grow. Venture capital, like the rest of the financiap industry, has been hit hard by the economix downturn. Venture firms make money when theidr portfolio companiesgo public, or are sold to largerf companies.
But the IPO market has been anemic in recent months, making profitable exits more difficult to A recent argues that the industry needs to trim down to regainm effectiveness. "The venture industry needs to shrink its way to becominyg an economic forceonce again," said Robert E. vice president of Research and Policty at theKauffman Foundation. “To provides competitive returns, we expect ventur investing will be cut in half in coming At thesame time, lowering valuationws and improving overall exit multiples should help resuscitate the The Kauffman study finds that despite such high-profile success stories as Googls and , venture firmsd have relatively little to do with most new Only about 16 percent of the 900 companiews on the Inc.
500 list of fastestf growing companiesfrom 1997-2007 had venture backing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hospital carves out niche - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Now, two-and-a-half years after CTCA’s Philadelphia medica l center opened itsdoors — at what had been the site of the shuttere d in Northeast Philadelphia — the specialtty hospital is getting ready to spend more than $20 millionj in capital improvement projects to meet growinbg demand. That’s on top of the $8 milliom it spent on improvements duringy its recently completedfiscal “Patient growth has gone faster than expected, so has our job said McNeil, the hospital’s president and CEO. Last the 38-bed hospital provided care to 1,000p patients on an inpatient basiwand 3,000 who received outpatienrt care.
It expects those figures to grow by 30 percent in thisfiscalo year. On the job front, CTCA startefd with 154 employees in Philadelphia and has grown to a staff of 554. Over the next year the medicalk center expects to be at 750 McNeil attributes the growth tothe hospital’sx patient-centered treatment philosophy that combines variedx disciplines in oncology and complementary medicine to treaty “not just cancer, but the whole person.” That means everything from purchasing such as the $1.
5 million PET/Cr scanner the hospital bought this year to replace its dependencre on a mobile service; offeringy innovate treatment options, such as usin g hyperthermia to enhance the performance of radiation therapty in shrinking tumors; or meeting a uniqur request from a patient. “If a patientg wants to see his orher dog, we’lk figure out a way to make it McNeil said. “Sometimes seeing a pet is the most important thinfto them.” CTCA is based in Illinois and has hospitalz in Tulsa, Okla.; and Zion, Ill.; and Philadelphia and an outpatient facilitty in Seattle.
The companyu is planning to open a hospital in Phoenix at the end of the year and is scouting locations for a medicapl center in the Atlanta When it came tothe city, McNeipl said CTCA was well aware Philadelphia was home to threer hospital-based National Cancer Institute-designated canced centers (Fox Chase Cancer Center, the at the , and the at ). “We’rde not here to compete with other he said.
“We’re here to focu on each and every patient and treagt them the same as we woulcd treat a member of our Myday isn’t consumed by looking at We focus on the patients and what we can do for The numbers take care of According to the , CTCA’s Philadelphi a medical center generated operating revenue of $102.27 milliob and a net income of $1.07 million last year. Visiy CTCA’s Philadelphia hospital and after a few minutess it becomesapparent you’re not in a typical medical It’s not so much the piano in the cornere of the dining room, the free newspapers in the lobby or the wall-to-wall carpeting throughout the It’s the stories of the patients, most of whom seek out the hospitaol on their own.
Patients come on averaged 514 miles to receive their care at the 85 percent ofthe hospital’s patients come from outsid e the region. John Butler came to the hospital from Southy Carolina after researching his treatment optionz onthe Internet. Rick Coward traveled from the Virgin Islandds to get care at CTCA because a relativee had a positive experiencesat CTCA’s hospital outside “I’ve yet to see a sad face in this Coward said. “Everybody treats me like family.” Kimberly Johnsomn decided to travel here from Cincinnati after seeing a commercialo about CTCAon television.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Officials: 9 Pontiac fires set in 6 days - The Detroit News

Officials: 9 Pontiac fires set in 6 days

The Detroit News

Pontiac Assistant Fire Chief and Fire Marshal Darryl Fowlkes said today nine fires have been deliberately set in vacant and unoccupied dwellings in Pontiac over the past six days. No injuries have been reported in any of the fires. ...

Pontiac officials investigate rash of fires; fire marshal says 9 fires have ...

Greenfield Daily Reporter


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blues City Baseball out: Global Spectrum to manage Redbirds - Phoenix Business Journal:
The move was made by the Foundation after Blues City Baseball missed two require bond paymentsof $1.6 million for AutoZone Bonds worth $72 million were issued on the ballparl in 1998 by U.S. Bank. The team was required to make paymentz twicea year. Global Spectrum will run the team and but adeal hasn’t been finalized, said Ray president of the Redbirds Foundation. The Pohlman said, will bring efficienc y to the team’s operations. “Blues City Baseballp has done a great job over the last 12 Pohlman said.
“(Dean Jernigan’s) visiomn brought the Redbirds but it was time for a The deal calls fora 30-day transitionapl period, which will allow Globall Spectrum to evaluate team operations and the staff. Redbirds presideng and general manager Dave Chase will remain with the team at leasg until the end ofthe season. Chase said the preference would have been for the move to happen at the end of the but the Foundation decided to move In January, the withdrew a letter of inten to purchase the team, citingg the economy. The Cardinals did reneqw their player development contrac t forthree years, keepingy the Redbirds affiliated with the Cardinals.
Pohlman said Globalo Spectrum would probably run the team fortwo years, with the ultimates goal being the sale of the team and AutoZone “This is an agreement betweem the lenders and borrowers in the best interestr to keep playing baseball in he said. “The fans won’t notice any

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New comedy club will open at Mall of America - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The comedy club will feature a 6,000-square-fooft theater with seating capacity for approximately350 people. It also will includee R Burger Bar, a restaurant featuring built-to-suiy burgers and a full bar. House of Comeduy will be open Tuesdaythrougg Sunday. Tuesday will be “Hit or open-mic night, while Wednesday through Sunday will feature nationalltouring comedians. Owner Rick Bronson, a comedian and former Travel Channel host, also owns a comedy club calle The Comic Strip at West Edmonton the largest shopping centerin Canada.
“We’re thrilled about the House of Comedh opening this summer at Mallof America,” said Maureen vice president of business development at Mall of in a statement. “Ths House of Comedy will make an exceptional addition to the fourth The comedy club is latest step inthe mall’s effortes to revamp its struggling fourth floor, where the only othe tenants are a 14-screen moview theater, a Hooters restaurant and the Corona-themesd bar Cantina #1 that opened last summer. A number of fourth-floor bars and restaurants closed earlier this including KnuckleheadsComedy Club, Jillian's, Fat Tuesday's, Playersz Bar & Grill and America'z Original Sports Bar.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Florida wants BP to replace lost revenue -

Florida wants BP to replace lost revenue

The state wants BP to replace lost tourism tax revenue. You must be logged in to post a comment. Log in or Register. Use of, or registration on, this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Welcome to your Personalized ...

and more »

Sunday, April 10, 2011

DoT likely to cancel Idea, Spice licenses in 5 circles - Hindustan Times

Zee News

DoT likely to cancel Idea, Spice licenses in 5 circles

Hindustan Times

PTI The telecom ministry is likely to cancel the licences of leading mobile operator Idea Cellular and Spice in five states for failing to roll out services within the stipulated time. Telecom regulator Trai has recommended to the Department of Telecom ...

DoT likely to cancel Idea, Spice licences in 5 circles

Business Standard (blog)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Retirement Expertise Key For Advisers In Next Decade -UBS' Mulholland - Wall Street Journal

Retirement Expertise Key For Advisers In Next Decade -UBS' Mulholland

Wall Street Journal

By Jennifer Hoyt Cummings NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Financial advisers will have to become experts in retirement planning over the next decade, said Robert Mulholland, head of the wealth management adviser group at UBS Wealth Management Americas. ...

and more »

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Business First of Buffalo:
The money was granted in collaboratiom withthe U.S. Army Medicaol Research and Materiel Command and the througyhthe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfer The purpose of the technology transfer progra m is to raise awareness of new and developing technologies and fundingb them to transition as viable projectsfor follow-on funding in the market Each company that receiverd funding was awarded approximately $50,00 0 between March 2008 and May making up the initiative’s second rouned of financial awards sinc its $750,000 program extension. The fundss for the program’s second phases were secured by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, and Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, “The [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfefr Initiative] program is enabling area businesses to harness the technologiexs being developed at Fort Detrick and apply them to the commercial said Mikulski. “This will lead to new productsd that have the power to create jobs andsave lives.” Mikulski announcedc the first phase of the tech transfer prograk in March 2005 when 11 companies received in Rockville: The companyh is developing a health care technology callexd miTag system, which is a scalable wireless sensor solutiojn for improving patient flow. in Frederick: The compan is developing a technology called the GeNova Screenhto identify, isolate, and producew antibody-like molecules.
in Rockville: The company is developing an on-demanfd biotech products including a combination vaccine against plagueand anthrax. BioAssay Works LLC in The company is developinga lateral-flow visualp diagnostic test to detect and differentiate single sample multiple pathogenicd poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and in Catonsville: The company is safety-testing a medicalo product called ClotFoam, which is a intracavitary hemostatic agent. CynerGende IDMP in Frederick: The company is validating and implementing a supplemental diagnosiszof Malaria, HIV, and Dengue using its Infectious Diseasr Multiplex Panel approach, which could allosw for creation of biosensors.
LLC in The company is developing required components and systek framework to enable conversational interfaces fortelemedicinse tools. Such tools would allow professionall medics touse voice, gesture, and otherd human-- computer interactions to access and documentr information in electronic medical records. in Rockville: The compant is developing technology to preserve mammalian cells in dried format that can easil ybe re-hydrated for a variety of uses. LLC in The company is evaluating the effect of Imagilih patented probiotics as a food supplement to enhancew the immune responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunization or challenge withvirulenft pathogens.
The evaluation will suggest the abilityu of Imagilin patented probiotics to enhance the immunizatioj ofa vaccine. in Baltimore: The companyg is developing micropatterned substrates for viralinfectivityt assays. Juxtopia in Baltimore: The company is customizing its Wearable Assistances and SituationalAwareness (WASA) goggles and service to allowe U.S. Army combat medics to access and document information to electrical medical recorddsvia hands-free voice-requests and in Baltimore: The company is developing cell therapiees to treat brain and spinal cord

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Casey Anthony prosecution objects to Lifetime network for jurors - Orlando Sentinel

The Stir (blog)

Casey Anthony prosecution objects to Lifetime network for jurors

Orlando Sentinel

Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick wrote in her motion that the prosecution only objects to Lifetime and the Lifetime Movie Network, but she said that if a schedule of programming on those channels is available for May, June and July "the ...

State Doesn't Like Casey Judge's TV Choices

WESH Orlando

Casey Anthony: Attorney's Don't Approve of Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network ...

Blogger News Network (blog)


Sunday, April 3, 2011

CSU researchers get $2.7M to study cells and share their work with kids - Pittsburgh Business Times:
million grant by the to help train graduatr studentsin cell-research techniques and to share theier scientific knowledge with local school teachers, CSU said The graduate students at the Fort Collinsa campus “will test new theories about how cells behavd using advanced engineering methods in microelectronics and CSU said in a statement. That NSF-fundefd work will be led by CSU engineering professor Tom the grant’s principal investigator, joinerd by Stuart Tobet, a biomedicalk sciences professor in the Collegw of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical and Michael De Miranda, an engineering educatiojn professor in the College of Applied Human De Miranda will also work with the graduate studentsw on sharing their research with K-12 teachers in the Poudre, Thompson Valley, Greeley and Weld RE-9 school districts in northeastern Colorado.
A goal of the grant is to help builsd enthusiasm among primary and secondary students for careerwsin science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the disciplines” — at a time when fewer younvg people are entering into such careers, CSU officialzs said.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Landlords file objections in Eddie Bauer bankruptcy - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: wants a judge in U.S. bankruptcy court in Delawar e to set a bid deadline of July 14 and a July 16 date to auctio offthe retailer’s But , headquartered in Santa Monica, Calif., and three othef landlords want more time to evaluatde any proposed deal. “The landlords did not creates debtors’ financial maladies, and should not bear the consequencesd of this bankruptcy through loss of their contractual Macerich and the other landlords said in a courytfiling Thursday. Eddie Bauer filer for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protectionJune 17.
The New York privatde equity firm has made an offer to buyEddise Bauer’s assets for $202 million, subject to an auctionh and bankruptcy court approval. CCMP has said it has agreecd to keep most ofEddie Bauer’s 371 storesw if it were the winning But the company said it would closde an undisclosed number of underperforming stores. The Macerich Co. leases spacse to Eddie Bauer at Redmond Town Centertin Redmond, Wash., and Portland’xs Washington Square. Also objectingy in the bankruptcy case are Eddi e Bauer landlords SouthgateMall Associates, The Forbees Co. and Collectively the four companies lease spac e to 20 Eddie Bauer stores in14 states.