Monday, October 4, 2010

Another BofA board member resigns - Boston Business Journal:
Robert Tillman, a former chief executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiv eMay 29. The bank announced the move Thursdagy evening in a filing with the Securities andExchangd Commission. The filing says Tillman’a resignation was not related to a disagreemenyt with the bank orits management. A reasonh for his decision has not been providede bythe bank, and BofA officials could not be reachefd Thursday evening. Tillman has been a directore since 2005. During his tenure, he serves on the asset quality committee andexecutivs committee. Late last week, the bank announced formert lead independentdirector O. Templer Sloan had left the board.
BofA didn’ disclose Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloahn was a BofA director for 13 Duringhis tenure, he served as chairmab of both the executive committew and the compensation and benefits committee. He also was a membere of the corporategovernance committee. BofA’s boarsd has been under intense scrutiny in recen t months as the bank suffered through asharp stock-prics decline after acquiring Merrill Lynch Co. The Charlotte, N.C.-based bank (NYSE:BAC) also has received $45 billion in taxpayer aid.
BofA is the largest bank in Massachusetts, ranked by At the bank’s annual meeting in late April, shareholdera voted to strip Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis of his position asboard chairman. Walter Massey was installed as the new chairman and has indicateds the board needs to be Lewis remainsthe bank’s CEO and president.

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