Friday, December 31, 2010

City Room: In a Word for Third, a Shovelful of Indignity - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

City Room: In a Word for Third, a Shovelful of Indignity

New York Times (blog)

Millions of New Yorkers who thought they lived on perfectly nice blocks in decent neighborhoods have learned that their streets are, in fact… tertiary. ...

and more »

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Report: Zell might lose reins of Tribune - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
According to the report, the companuy might fall into the hands of a group of banks and investors thatholds $8.6 billion in seniod debt. The report says that "the plan centers on a debt-for-equitt swap that probably would give the senior lenderzs a large majority ownership stakes in thereorganized company." The plan wouldx also likely wipe out a $90 million warrant that Zell holdsd that would give him the right to buy 40 percent of Tribunwe for about $500 million.
The report says that Zell's futurwe in the company would likely be determinecd bythe group, as it is unclear if the grou would want to bring in a new or if Zell himself woulds want to remain with the The report says that "sources close to both the creditorx and the company said it is too early to make such decisions and Tribune management continues to controlk the process because it currently has the exclusive righ to propose whatever reorganization plan it wishes.
" Tribunr through a buyout led by The deal left the companyy with nearly $12 billion in Tribune, which is seeking a buyedr for the Chicago Cubs baseballp team, has sold off assets and cut jobs sincs the close of the deal to help with the debt The company .

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Thursday, June 25, 2009 Tickets cost $45.00 per personb or $450.00 for a packagew of ten.  Seating is theater style, no One NEW subscription to The Businesa Journal comes with a packagee often tickets.  Dress is coat and tie. Revolutiobn Mill Studios Event Center iss located at 1000 RevolutionMill Drive, NC 27405.  For directions go .  If you have further you may call 271-6539. Directionx are also posted below. Thank you to our sponsor - Firsyt Citizens Bank and our co-sponsors - MAG Mutual and Time Warne r CableBusiness Class.
  Greensboro, 27405 Take Exit 214B for East Wendover Avenue, Turn right at West Wendovere Avenue (7 miles), Turn left onto Nortnh Church Street, Turn right onto East Cornwallis Drive, Turn right onto Yanceyville Street, Revolution Mill Driv will be the first street to the right, Continuw to the end of Revolution Mill Drive, Parkin g is available on the right-hand side (jusyt before the RR tracks), The Event Centedr entrance will be the last entrance to the Look for signage and the Take Exit 120 for Business I-85N/I-40W, Take Exit 39 to merg e onto North O’Henry Boulevard [US-29/70/220], Exit righyt to East Wendover Avenue [US-70/22], turn right, Take the Yanceyville Street Exit, Turn right onto Yanceyville Street, Turn left onto Revolutiojn Mill Drive, Continue to the end of Revolutio n Mill Drive.
  Parking is available on the right-hand side (just beforwe the RR tracks), The Event Center entrancs will be the last entrancse to the left. Look for signage and the balloons.   Travel Nortb on Elm Street, Turn right onto East Cornwallis Drive, Turnn right onto Yanceyville Street, Revolution Mill Drive will be the first streeg to the right, Continue to the end of Revolutio n Mill Drive.  Parking is available on the right-hande side (just before the RR tracks), The Evengt Center entrance will be the last entrancse to the left.  Look for signage and the balloons.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Repeal of DADT removes cohesion from military - Daily American Online

Repeal of DADT removes cohesion from military

Daily American Online

I say, “effectively” because Marine Corps' units haven't had to sacrifice unit cohesion; a most critical need, since the policy was effected 17 years ago. ...

and more »

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kansas City Business Journal:
Business owners, in should be just as thorough when it comes to choosing acommerciall bank. "When you go into a bank to open an accounft or take outa loan, you are in sensse interviewing the bank just as the bank is interviewingf you," says James Ballentine, directofr of economic development for the American Bankerz Association ( ). "So you should look to find what is most convenientr for you as it relates to the type ofbusinessd you're in." Since time can be nearl y as valuable as money for some business the bottom line should not always be the top "You're looking for the best rates you can obviously, but also for the convenience," Ballentine says.
"If you'rr constantly in the bank makingdaily deposits, you may a need a bank that is in closer proximity to your business. But if you'rre a low-transaction business, maybe a bank that is not as closde wouldn't be a problen for you. If you can work maybe a bank that offer s that type of service woulsd be betterfor you. "You'rs really looking for a bank to fit your as opposed to the otherway around.
" It is important to understand exactlyt what those needs are in advance, and to stay focused on those priorities when choosing a Michael Ricks, district director with the Small Business Administration ( ), says bankz can offer services that seem intriguing, but actuallt are of little use to a specifif business. He says it is better to find a bank that best meetes yourcurrent needs, and then make any necessaru changes as your businesz evolves. "A lot of timesz people get caught up in the fact that a certainj bank will offer a lotof credit, Ricks says. "That's great, but do you really need that much money??
If you don't, then you mighty be able to find a bank that offers a smalledr line with morefavorable terms. "So try to matcn your current needs with a A lot of times peoplewill say, 'I'm going to sign with a big because I have big plans for the future and I'm goiny to grow and grow.' That's all fine and dandy. But it's not like you get marriesd to a bank and you have to stay with them the rest of your If your needs outgrowsyour bank, then just change But in the interim, you need to reallty look for the bank that's going to offer the best deal for you right now." The National Federation of Independentt Business (www.nfib.
com) says therse are several questions business-owners should ask before choosing a commercial including: * Does the bank offer special accounts for smallk businesses? If the words "small business" are nowhere to be founds in the bank's brochure, then it's probably not the bank for you. * How personalizedr is the service? Conduct fact-to-face, fact-gathering interviewsd with thebanks you're consideringh and see how enthusiastic and personabled the representatives appear. Are the fees reasonable? While most business accounts have some sort of fees attachedsto them, make sure you do enough comparisonn shopping to get the best deal.
"The most common mistake people make is they go with the first bankthey find,"" says the ABA's Ballentine. "Thay can be a mistake, because that bank may not be as activr inthe small-business market as another bank is. That's why you want to shop arounrd and go to at leastthree institutions. Even though all banke offer accountsand services, some will be more activr in certain areas and provide a littlwe different product that would be betterd for you or a particular business." Ricks says the Small Business Administration has a numbet of business-counseling centers throughout the country that offee free advice.
A list of these centers can be found at "They can work with you and possibly point you in the right direction," Ricks says. "There's a bank out therew that's right for you. People don'r shop around enough. Just because one bank says 'no' doesn'yt mean you have to stop. Ther e are plenty of other lending optionseout there."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oracle Database 11g: Cost-Effective Solutions for Security and Compliance - TechRepublic

Oracle Database 11g: Cost-Effective Solutions for Security and Compliance


With Oracle Database 11g powerful privileged user and multi-factor access control, data classification, transparent data encryption, auditing, monitoring, ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Berms Built to Stop Oil Are Seen as Ineffective - New York Times

The Hindu

Berms Built to Stop Oil Are Seen as Ineffective

New York Times

A chain of sand berms built by the state of Louisiana to block and capture oil from BP's runaway well in the Gulf of Mexico captured ...

Sand islands off Louisiana stopped little oil in gulf spill, commission finds

Washington Post

Chevron Continues Gulf Of Mexico Push

W »

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Duke remains unanimous No. 1 team - Philadelphia Daily News

Duke remains unanimous No. 1 team

Philadelphia Daily News

1 in the Associated Press poll for a third straight week. The Blue Devils (10-0), who received  »

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Prime Rocky Point properties on the block - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Now two of its seven office Waterford Plazaand , are beingt actively shopped. plans to sell the circa-198o buildings that have a combined squarwe footage ofabout 482,328. It has retained . Listing brokefr Mike Davis of Cushman & Wakefield declineds comment. Rocky Point’s buildings are typicallu heldfor years, brokers It's a sought-after location with prime Tampa Bay viewz and proximity to Pinellas and Hillsborough countiesd and , Prudential acquired the two buildingws in 2004 when it paid $2.1 billion for ’s retirementy business. At the time, brokers estimated Prudentiap paid $68 million, or roughly $140 a squarr foot.
Hillsborough property records show that Prudential paid slightlg lessat $67 It’s unclear how much the buildingsd might sell for today. The credit freez has made it tough for investors toobtainn loans, and demand has diminished for commercia l real estate as investors wait for a sign the market has truly hit bottom. Deal volume has dropped off some contend by more than70 percent. Waterforrd Plaza is at 7650 W. Courtney Campbell and Island Center is at 2701 RockygPoint Drive. Brokers contend there are investors, includingv institutional buyers suchas Prudential, with cash to But buyers are typically looking for a big discount.
“There’ds still a gap between sellers’ expectations and expectations,” said Dan Woodward, VP of in Highwoods, one of the region’zs largest office developers, owns Rocky Point’s Harborvieaw Plaza, built in 2002. “Relativelty speaking it’s one of the strongest submarkets in the TampaqBay area,” Woodward said. Whilse supply in Rocky Point, which has 1.4 milliomn square feet office space, is constrained, the island’z buildings aren’t insulated from the recessionaryt economy. The seven Rocky Point buildings have an overall vacancy rateof 18.2 slightly higher than the Tampa Bay region’d first-quarter 17.
9 percent, according to Cushman & Waterford Plaza’s vacancy rate of 9.3 percent is nearly half Rockyg Point’s overall rate. But Island Center’s 19.3 percenyt rate is higher. “Because of the slowdownj in job growth and resulting effect onoffice demand, everyonw is pushing to get tenants out there,” Woodwar said.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Senate battle heads back to court - The Business Review (Albany):
Two Republican senators have sued Angelo who was appointed secretar y of the Senate by Democrats earlieethis year. The lawsuit alleges that Apont e is illegally preventinga Republican-led coalition from conductingt official Senate business. State Suprem Court Judge Thomas McNamara is scheduled to hold a hearing on the lawsui at1 p.m. today. He’s the same judge who ordere d the two parties to resolve the conflic themselves during a separate lawsuit earliedrthis month. The lawsuit was filed following Tuesday’ss chaos that erupted in the state Senatse during a special emergency session orderedby Gov. Davidd Paterson.
Democrats and the Republican-led coalition held duelinb legislative sessions, leaving it unclear if any bills werelegallyy passed.Senators are scheduled to try again today. Gov. Davifd Paterson has called a specia l legislative session for3 p.m. Tuesday was the first time in more than two weekxs that the two sides had been in the chambeer at thesame time. Senators have performed no official business since the surprisew uprising that Republicans led onJune 8, when two Democrats joined all 30 Republicans in an attemptr to oust Sen. Malcolm Smith as majority leader. One Democratt has since left the coalition, meaning theres is a 31-31 splig in the Senate.
There is no way to break a tie because the state has nolieutenan governor—the job Paterson vacated to replace formerr Gov. Eliot Spitzer last year. The unprecedented battle for power has paralyzed the legislative The two sides still do not agree on who is in or whether the actions on June 8 were By law, Paterson has the power to compek legislators to meet in a special He also dictates which bills will be included on the session’s agenda. The governor cannot, force legislators to vote onthose bills.
Democratse locked themselves in the Senats chambers ahead of in an attempt to preventthe Republican-led coalitioj from taking control of the When Republican arrived, they conducted theire own session using a seconsd gavel, voting on bills that were to be consideredf in the special session. At 3 p.m., the speciak session began with Democrats and Republicanx shouting over each holding two sessionsat once. Smith rose to say that Paterson’as office had not sent the Senate the billss to bevoted on, with proper numbering. “There’s nobodg in this chamber holdingthe government’ss business back. It’s the governor,” Smitj said. Paterson later disputed that claim.
Democrat s and the Republican-led which includes Sen. Pedro Espada Jr. left the chamber. Democrats returner to vote on 14 bills that Patersomn had placed onthe agenda. It’sx unclear whether the votes were legal. Democrats recorded each vote asa 62-0 vote, even thoughu the Republican-led coalition was not in the chamber for any of the “Senate Republicans showed they are so desperate for they tried to prevent real work from gettinfg done,” Democrats said in a “Senate Republicans again brought disgrace and shame to the Senats when they attempted to conduct another sham legislativde session.
” Republicans claim that the billsd were passed 62-0 earlier in the day, during their own session. “This was a legap session,” Republicans said in a “While the Senate Democra leadership tried to disrupt thesession ... their votes count and the bills passed. We are not • extending the state’s Powere for Jobs program untilMay 2010. The popular progranm provides low-cost electricity to 570 including manyupstate manufacturers, in exchange for pledgesd to create jobs. It is scheduled to end on June 30. enabling Schoharie County to impose an occupancy tax on hotel and motel rooms of up to4 percent.

Monday, December 6, 2010

TCI sells off its stake in CSX - Jacksonville Business Journal:
sold $17.8 million shares of stoclk for prices rangingfrom $28.39 to $30.090 per share. The selling of its 4.5 perceny stake in the company follows TCI Managing PartnerChristopher Hohn’s announcement that he wouldn’f run for re-election this year. He said he wouldx focus on the business interestsw ofthe London-based hedge fund, which has sufferedf in the recession. TCI and 3G Capitalp Partners Ltd. were able to seat four members on the CSX CEO Michael Ward previously said meetin g with the four new boardx members from two rival hedge fundz hasbeen “very collegial and constructive.
” “The new members and old memberd are more focussed on what steps the companyu needs to take in an unsteadg economy and still stay dynamic,” said Ward. The boarde recently agreed to invest $1.6 billionm this year in infrastructure, which the hedge funds originally protested.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The great northern culture war - Discover Magazine (blog)

The great northern culture war

Discover Magazine (blog)

The front speed of the Neolithic (farmer) spread in Europe decreased as it reached Northern latitudes, where the Mesolithic (hunter-gatherer) population ...

and more »

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Details begin to emerge on health-care reform - Business First of Buffalo:
percent of the cost of health insurancr premiumsfor full-time employees undetr the health care reform bill bein g considered by the House. They also would be requiredc to pick up at least some of the tab forinsurin part-time employees. Businesses that don’t provide this minimum level of coveragre would be required to pay the federal governmeny a fee based on 8 percent oftheir payroll. Smallo businesses under a yet-to-be-determinedf threshold would be exempted fromthis “platy or pay” requirement.
The chairmehn of three House committees with jurisdictionb over health care introduced draft legislationJune 19, offerinb the most details yet on how healtg care reform could affecr small businesses. Under the bill, small businesses and individualsx could shop for insurance through a national which would includea government-runh plan and private insurers. Tax credit would be available to help small businesses affordxthe coverage. Health insurance premiums for U.S. businesses increaserd by 9.2 percent this and are expected to increase another 9 percentynext year, according to . Small businesses oftenn face much higherrate hikes.
While most smalkl businesses agree the current health insurance markettis dysfunctional, there’s a lot of disagreement over whethed the House bill would cure the problekm or just make it worse. Mike who owns a retail clothing storde and design business called Smash inDes Moines, likes what he sees in the Draper thinks adding a public plan would hold down premiumds by creating more competition in the marketplace. Draped doesn’t offer health insurance to itsseven full-time workers, but reimburses them for the cost of policiex they buy on their own. That’ fine with his employees, who are single and in their 20s.
The reimbursements now account for 6 percenrof Smash’s payroll, but that couled jump to 22 percent in four when Draper expects everyone on his management team to have creating the need for family plans. His business couldn’t handlee that expense, he said. If the House bill were he would consider buyingg insurance through the exchange if it were easyto use. But he migh decide to pay the 8 percent payrollkfee instead, then reimburse his employeesw for some of the cost of the policies they purchaser through the exchange. Draper thinkas employers should be required to help pay fortheirr employees’ health insurance.
Like Social Security this sort of responsibilitgyis “kind of what you signer up for” when you become a businesws owner, he said. Other small business however, think the House bill imposes too tough of a standared onsmall businesses. The requirement to pay 72.5 percent of an employee’xs premium for individual coverage “is much too high for many smallk businesses,” said Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the SmallBusinesxs & Entrepreneurship Council. The only way many small businessesx can afford coverage is by making employeesx pick up more ofthe cost, she Arlington, Va.-based Company Flowers & Giftsa Too!
, for example, pays 50 percent of the cost of healthu insurance for seven full-time employees. Even that may not be affordablsnext year, because “our rates are goin g to skyrocket,” co-owner John Nicholsonb told the House Small Business Committee earliee this month.